Thanks for a great webinar today!! I'm glad I stayed for the questions. I could totally relate to everything said, from the empathic reactions to the tears to the effect of your beautiful caring compassionate voice:)) It was a great afternoon!
~ Arrana A, North Carolina
Workshops & Events
How to Communicate with Animals:
Introduction to Telepathic Animal Communication
2 1/2 hours plus 2 hours, 20 minutes bonus products |
This is an on-demand teleclass to take anytime, at your convenience. The recordings received with this purchase are from a live class which include the questions, comments and interactions of the participants with the instructor. |
$49 Reduced to $24.95 includes: |
Click here to purchase and download the teleclass |
This teleclass is ideal for anyone who wants to understand how animal communication works, for those who want to begin their education on how to communicate with animals, and for those who may want to add additional viewpoints and refinement to what they have already learned about communicating with animals.
Learning how to communicate with animals, to understand what animals are thinking and feeling, can transform our relationship with them. Just as with human relationships, the more open our communication, the more respectful our "two way" conversations, the greater the possibilities for deepened intimacy, harmony and mutually satisfactory problem solving. This class is an introduction--you won't learn to play a concerto but you will learn the scales and a short song or two. A great deal of valuable, practical information is shared along with a meditation and a few hands on exercises.
This teleclass provides you with a solid foundation of what is vitally important for receiving clear, accurate information in conversations with animals.
What is covered:
- The Three Windows of Understanding Animals: Body, Behavior and Soul
- How Our Values Directly Impact the Accuracy and Effectiveness of Animal Communication
- Defining Animal Communication: What it is and what it is not
- Critical Boundaries & Ethics in Animal Communication
- Factors Influencing the Accuracy and Quality of Information Received
- Situations in Which Animal Communication Can Help & Some Case Examples
- The Vital Importance of Energetic Preparation
- Tips and Components Needed for Telepathic Conversation
- Exercises to practice
- Resource Review for Further Learning
Bonus Programs: (2 hours, 20 minutes)
- Energetic Boundaries, Protection and Ethics for Animal Communication
(instruction and case examples) - Guided Meditation to Begin a Telepathic Conversation with an Animal


I love hearing anecdotes Teresa shares. Also, I cannot get enough of Teresa and her voice. I now understand why tears flow when I hear Teresa's voice or think about my animals. It is the overflowing love and compassion. Thank you Teresa for your love and compassion. I definitely learned more about my own self, which will in turn help me communicate with my [and hopefully other] animals better. I never considered myself as being clairsentient, but it all makes sense now. Throughout my whole life I tried so hard to completely block the outside energy to protect myself. Now, I am going to make it a daily ritual setting up my energetic boundaries so that I can actually appreciate and live my life purposes.
~ SJ Y, Nevada
The tips & techniques were most valuable, since learning "how to actually do it" is the hardest part!
I enjoyed hearing Teresa's real-life stories as examples the most & being able to ask questions..
~ Linda T, Florida
What was most valuable to me was the actual process info like engaging the throat chakra, clearing and protecting—I think those last two are critical for me. What I enjoyed the most was your soothing, compassionate voice, the great pics—especially the whales, and the fact that participants' questions were integrated into the webinar.
~ Carol K, California
The webinar really revealed how important knowing what your animal is thinking is to help them have a fulfilling life and to not give up trying even if you think you don't have the ability yet. What is of lasting value to me from the webinar is learning to send love and emotions to an animal as well as not giving up practicing to communicate even if you're not hearing words from them yet. And I always enjoy the personal stories of animals, their families and Teresa's experience.
~ Rider S, California
Being able to talk about animal communication with others who know it's real, too, was really valuable.
What I enjoyed most from the webinar was Teresa's presentation--stories mixed with tips, guided meditations, and openness.
~ Jacqui R, New York