Tiki was born from his mother with four other puppies, outside, alone, with no human nearby. But months later, she found herself at a shelter in Florida when her meant -to- be family found her and took her home to be loved! In March 1999, she came aboard the ship Bottom Time II where her human Dad is a Captain. Other humans come on the boat to see whales, but they were also immediately charmed by Tiki.
Tiki liked the humans very much and was pleased with their affections and loving pets. . .Yet it made her sad that they poured so much love and energy toward the whales. The whales are SO big, graceful and awesome. The humans squeal and cry and seemed even transformed just to see the whales...
Tiki wondered, "Am I not as important as the whales? Not as beautiful? Is something wrong with me that they love the whales more than me?" She tried so hard to learn to love herself just as she was, and not feel less important or worthy than the big whales, but it was so hard to do all by herself. That night Tiki prayed to the angels that she could find a way to love herself and not feel less important than the big, beautiful whales.

The next day at sea one of the people who petted Tiki told her, "Oh Tiki, you're as beautiful and important as all the whales in the sea. Thank you for being here with us!"
"Do you mean it? Really?" Tiki meekly asked.
"Oh Tiki yes! You are very special. You are right here on the boat with us where we are blessed with your presence each day. We don't have to travel far or wear special gear and jump in the water just to see you. You bless us with your presence."
Tiki felt all sparkly and beamed. She licked the lady and said, "Oh thank you! And, please, will you tell the others that I'd love to be loved by them the way they love the whales?"
So the lady told the others and Tiki began to really feel the love from the humans and hear their words of true affection. She began to believe that yes, she was just as important as the whales! She was like a new dog. She thanked the angels for sending her help!
The next day her human Dad took her with the other humans out on the small boat where she sat on a special towel. She watched as the humans quietly slipped out of the boat at times to swim with the whales.
One time, while all the humans were looking toward the front of the boat Tiki was looking out the back and saw a whale breach. She BARKED and BARKED to tell the humans. They all looked around just in time to see the whale breaching over and over again. The humans were squealing and thanking and thanking her. "Oh this is great," she thought, "I'm a part of all this now!" Tiki asked all the whales to keep jumping to make the humans happy. The whales said, "We can't jump all the time, but when we're going to, or when we're nearby before the humans can see us, we'll let you know so you can tell them."
So the next day on the big boat the whales told Tiki they would soon jump. Tiki BARKED and BARKED and all the humans got to see the whales breach! They were SO grateful and were as exuberant with her as they were about seeing whales! Tiki glowed with the knowledge that she had been part of creating a circle of love and joy. She knew she had found her place in the world and was radiant. By hearing the call of the whales and telling the people, she had helped everyone exchange love. And she knew in her heart that all this love would forever make the land and sea a much, much better place.
At the end of the trip when each human left the boat to go home to their own dogs and cats and horses and birds and bunnies, they told her, "Tiki, you're a wonderful whale dog. You are just as beautiful and important as all the whales in the sea!" And Tiki knew love in her heart from the inside and out. She learned what we all learn. That we all need love from others at times to learn how to love ourselves, and to find our special place in the world.