Pet Loss Grief Support Animals in our Hearts  Animal Communication Teresa Wagner
  • You should try to hear the name the Holy Ones have for things.
    People name everything according to the number of legs they have.
    The Holy Ones name them according to what they have inside. ~ Rumi

Types of Private Consultations

This category contains articles about the type of consultations offered by Teresa - animal communication, Spirit Guides, Readings with the Whales, Flower Essences

Spirit Guide Readings
and Conversations with Loved Ones on the Other Side

These consultations to help humans receive information, guidance and encouragement from their Spirit Guides to shed light on their path, at times when they may feel confused, perhaps not sure which way to turn or to go, or when they may want confirmation on important decisions or life changes being faced. These sessions can also be used to speak with loved ones who have crossed over, perhaps to resolve any questions unanswered at the time of death, to have a discussion or to simply make loving contact.

Spirit Sky

When I began my animal communication practice many years ago, I noticed that occasionally I would hear comments and guidance throughout a session from the animal’s and human’s spirit guides who I always call upon at the beginning of a consultation. I found that they often volunteered information to help resolve problems, suggest solutions, and to generally bring loving encouragement and support. During the first year of my practice, I shared this unexpected phenomenon with clients and asked if they wanted to hear what the Spirit Guides were saying. They all did, and lengthy discussions began involving not only the animal’s issues, but other issues relating to the human client. Clients now schedule sessions specifically to talk with their spirit guides to receive information, guidance, encouragement and love on a wide variety of life issues.

Schedule a Consultation with Teresa

A CD (pr MP3) to help you connect with your animal loved one after death:

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One of my favorite CDs to help me open and connect to my own guidance is
Coming Home to Yourself: by Jeanine Sande



Communicating with the Whales

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There are whales--some in body and some in spirit--who very much enjoy sharing their wisdom to help humans on earth with guidance, encouragement and support for their life journeys. These communication "readings" with the whales tend to focus on the whales providing specific guidance and encouragement for the issues and questions with which an individual may be struggling. The whales who offer guidance are very familiar the challenges of life on earth for humans and are eager and ready to support us as we find our way here.

The first year I facilitated a whale swim trip in 1999, I asked the whales beforehand what they most needed from me to bring the whales and people together. They said, "When a person decides to come on one of these trips, there is a whale who hears the call of their soul wanting to be close to the whales for the purpose of their growth. In response, there is a whale who will be waiting and ready to offer them encouragement guidance and support for their lives on earth, and to support them for the rest of their lives if they wish. Tell the people we are here for them, and if they want or need help hearing our messages, make yourself available to help with the translation."

That began a tradition of facilitating communication between people and whales, both during the actual whale trips at sea and for anyone who desires guidance from the whales at any time. Sometimes people want to speak just with the whales, and sometimes they combine talking with the whales and their Spirit Guides and animals.

Whales are my elders, my ancestors and guides. They are my first family. It brings me great joy to connect people and whales.

Schedule a Consultation with Teresa

Learn more about messages from the whales:

Whales' Communication with Humans:
A Webinar About the Life Stories of Whales, From the Whales

Visit Teresa's Facebook Page on Sacred Activism, Healing, Communication and Celebration of Whales 

Animal Communication Consultations

Cat collage 4 cats

Schedule a Consultation with Teresa

An animal communication consultation with your animals can help you understand their emotions, energy, behavior and messages to facilitate deeper understanding, discussion, and problem solving. Some of the situations in which you may find it helpful to talk with your animals with the assistance of an animal communicator include:  Emotional issues such as fear, withdrawal or depression, rescue situations and trauma, issues surrounding health and illness, helping them understand family structure changes, separation during your travel, preparation for moving to a new home, behavioral problems, the challenges of hospice care and decisions before death, and after death communication, including their possible return.

There are three general windows through which we can better understand animals:

Through medicine and healing we keep our animals healthy. Through training and understanding species specific behavior we learn to live together safely and within acceptable boundaries. It is only through love, however, through the portal of the heart, that we come together as fellow souls, to communicate what is most important to one another and to grow in intimacy and harmony. It is through this third window—the path of empathy, compassion and love--that we employ the universal, natural skill of telepathy to learn what individual animals are thinking, what they are feeling, what they may need, and who they really are.

When I first read the quote by Conrad Lorenz, "The best way to learn the language of another species is as a social partner," I tingled all over, because I believe this to be very, very true. When we allow ourselves to let go of hierarchies about who is more important than whom, not worry so much about which species is smarter than the next, or not focus so much on whose body is more perfectly conformed than the next, that's when we can focus on the inside, the true essence of animals, the part that is just like us. When we put aside our differences of physical form to meet an animal on the inside--as a soul peer--then we can talk with them. Then we can truly hear the thoughts, feelings and stories of animals unhampered by any predisposed ideas of who or how they are supposed to be.

You can read much more detailed information at these links:

Teresa has been talking with animals since she was a young child, and began her professional practice in 1991. Read more about Teresa.

Dog collage Kima in middle