Private Consultations
Fees and Scheduling Appointments
• Fees are $160 for a one hour consultation and $210 for a 90 minute consultation. For repeat clients, follow-up sessions are available for $90 for a thirty minute consultation.

• In our convenient and easy to use automatic booking system, you can schedule an appointment for the time of your choice and make a payment with either the credit card of your choice or with your checking account by clicking the button below.
As you choose your desired consultation time, please be aware that all consultations are in Pacific Time. You can find your respective time here:
After choosing your dates and making your payments, you will receive a confirmation email with further details regarding your consultation and a request to send us information about what you would like to cover in your session, to send photos, etc.
If you are looking to schedule a 90 minute appointment but cannot do it at the times listed on the schedule, please email us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and we'll work with you to find a time slot that works for you.
• Sessions are conducted by telephone.
• Cancellation Policy: Your scheduled appointment time is reserved exclusively for you. As a courtesy to Teresa's full schedule of other work commitments and to other clients waiting for appointments, please give 24 hour notice if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. Missed appointments with no notice and appointments canceled within 24 hours will be charged the full amount of the consultation fee.
Will remove after testing:
Fees and Scheduling Appointments for Grief Counseling or Animal Communication
More information on Grief Counseling consultations
More information on Animal Communication consultations
More information on Mentoring consultations
$225 for 1-hour consultations
$300 for 90-minute consultations
$150 for 30-minute consultations
All consultations are in Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8). When looking at available consultation times, which can be seen by clicking the Schedule an Appointment button below, please check your time zone compared to Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) by visiting
If you are out of the US and your time zones are not compatible with the times available at the link below, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your time zone and a request for for assistance in scheduling.
At this time, emergency consultations, consultations on weekends, holidays or for missing animals are not available. If you are dealing with the crisis of a missing animal, I highly recommend working with Tim Link or Carol Schultz.
Cancellation and Refund Policy: Your scheduled consultation time has been reserved exclusively for you. If you need to reschedule or cancel your session, please give us 36 or more hours notice so we are able to fill your time with another client (if you appointment is on a Monday, cancellation must be made by the preceding Friday. Appointments cancelled within 36 hours and missed appointments with no notice will not be refunded. Appointments cancelled or rescheduled before 36 hours of the scheduled session will be refunded, minus the 3.05% Paypal fee we are charged. Please scroll down to read additional information about the Refund and Satisfaction policy.
IF YOU ARE A NEW CLIENT, please read the following before you schedule a session with Teresa:
- How to prepare for a session and what to expect (please be sure to review the section regarding the issues of proof in this article: The Issue of Guaranteed Outcomes and Proof in Animal Communication)
Animal communication and how it works
- If you have questions about animal communication and how it works, you will find over twenty pages of detailed information here. Reading even a few pages of this material may prevent the need for a phone call or email before scheduling a session.
- For a description of grief counseling services, click here.
- Scheduling and Paying by credit card: In our convenient and easy to use Express Scheduling, you can schedule an appointment for the date, time and length of your choice and make a payment with your credit or debit card. Just click the Schedule An Appointment button above and your appointment can be made and confirmed within minutes--no time consuming back and forth emails needed to determine times available and have your choice confirmed.
Note: Paypal is the secure system used to accept our on line payments. Please note that you do not have to have a Paypal account to make a payment by credit card for your session--you can use any credit card or debit card of your choice. - Scheduling and Paying by check: If you already have or create a Paypal account, you can use your checking account information to pay for a consultation on line when you click on the Schedule An Appointment button. This is the fastest and most efficient way to schedule and confirm an appointment time of your choice when using a check. If you do not wish to pay by check on line just This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the address to which to send your check.
- Sessions are conducted by telephone
- Exceptions to consultation times listed as available: If you want to schedule a 90 minute appointment but cannot do it at the times listed on the schedule, or, if you are outside the US and or your time zone makes it impossible to have an appointment at the times listed as available, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll work with you to try to find an appointment time that works for you.
Rescheduling Your Appointment: We understand that sometimes things come up that will require a client to need to reschedule an appointment. Because of this, two reschedules for the same appointment will be administered without any fee, as long as you provide us with at least 36 hours notice. However, because it does require extra time on our end to reschedule and reconfigure our appointment calendar on your behalf, a $45 fee will be charged with the third request to reschedule an appointment.
Please note: For the multiple session packages, scheduled consultations may be rescheduled, but refunds are not issued if a client decides not to use each session in the package.
Satisfaction and Refund Policy for Animal Communication Consultations—A Personal Note From Teresa
My commitment to you is to bring love, skill, empathy and compassion to every consultation, to carefully listen to your animals for both the facts and feelings they convey to me, and to describe these to you in a clear, understandable, supportive and loving manner. I intentionally provide ample time during sessions—at several junctions—for you to discuss and respond to what your animal has expressed and to clarify any confusion or concern about the messages. If you are unhappy with the messages from your animals and/or are unhappy with the consultation in general, and make that clear to me during a session, I am happy to end the consultation and refund the unused time on a pro-rated basis. If you are unhappy with the messages from your animals and/or are unhappy with the consultation in general, but do not communicate this with me until after a consultation, a refund will not be provided.
I wholeheartedly want my clients and their animals to be genuinely helped by and pleased with our work together. It is extremely important to note, however, that no animal communicator can guarantee that a client will be pleased with what their animal has to say or even how they say it. Animal communicators can tell you what your animal is saying and feeling, but we cannot guarantee that you will agree with it, like it, or even believe it. Even as we work diligently and ethically to communicate with animals and to translate their messages to our clients, we cannot assume responsibility for another person’s reactions to their animals’ message.
Please also note that I am not an entertainment psychic and do not provide the service of responding to test or proof questions. To understand more about why this is not an effective means to validate the information received in conversations with animals, please read the article, The Issue of Guaranteed Outcomes and Proof in Animal Communication. If you are looking for someone to provide proof to you that animal communication is real, or if need to ask test questions in order to believe what an animal communicator relays to you from your animal, please do not schedule a consultation with me. This will prevent frustration and disappointment. If test or proof questions are presented in a consultation, they will not be responded to and a refund for the consultation will not be issued.
Follow Up Sessions: Follow-up sessions are available for 30 minutes (or longer).
In my quest to provide a broad range of services for animals and the people who love them, my schedule is very full and I am not available for informal, unscheduled follow up sessions in between consultations (by phone, email or on social media). If you have a need for a 30 minute consultation before one of these short sessions is open on my schedule, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will refer you to someone who may be available more quickly. Thank you for your understanding. If you have a health emergency with your animal please see your veterinarian.
Private Consultations with Teresa are available in the areas listed above. Some of these can be combined in one session. For instance, people will often schedule a combined grief couunseling and animal communication session, or a combined spirit guide session with and animal communication session. For those interested, the suggestion of appropriate flower essences are a complimentary part of any consultation.
Everything flowers, from within, of self-blessing. . . though sometimes it is necessary
to reteach a thing its loveliness, to put a hand on the flower of its brow and retell it in words and in touch it is lovely until it flowers again from within, of self-blessing.
~ Galway Kinnell, excerpted from his poem St. Francis and the Sow
Sometimes, we all need external support as we find our way in the world. We may need help understanding the thoughts, feelings and needs of our animals, or we may want mentoring to sharpen our own animal communication abilities. We may need support while we are grieving, or may want to connect with our loves ones who have crossed over. Or we may want to tap into the clarity and wisdom of spirit guides for guidance and encouragement at times when we feel stuck or unclear in our path. Seeking the support of a trusted counselor, healer or animal communicator can help us remember and connect with our own inner wisdom—accessing the power and truth that lives in our own souls. This remembering the wisdom of our own souls is what true healing is all about. "Healers" in any form or role, merely facilitate this remembering. It is the highest calling of any healing work--to help others find their way on their own path.
Psychic means "of or relating to the soul" and is meant to be sacred work. Speaking with the souls of animals, loved ones on the other side or spirt guides is most definitely sacred work to me. When our desire is to connect with the soul of another, the terms we use—psychic, telepath, channeler, medium, animal communicator, healer—don't really matter. What does matter is the process.
It's important to me when I work with animals and people that I begin each session open and ready to hear and sense what the individuals have to say and to truly listen—and to not perceive the information and energy through filters about what is known about certain species, breeds, behavior patterns. When I go to counselors or healers for help for my own life issues, I surely don't want any preconceived notions about who I am, where I came from or be overly concerned about my background or what I look like to impact their work to help me. I want to be heard and accepted for who I am inside. When I work with human or animal clients, I don't care what their pedigrees are. I don't care about things like the socio economic state of the human, how many shows an animal has won, or what their lineage is. Of course, if the animal or the person find delight in these things, I celebrate with them. But such things do not make an animal or human more important, highly regarded or more valuable to me.
In the world of healing, except for contextual understanding, these things are unimportant. Life history and background are only the backdrops for our souls' choices for lessons, learning and growth. Inside, we are all the same. What is important in my consultations is for me is to listen to what's in my clients' hearts, to listen to their stories, their joys, their pain, their trauma, their progress, their growth and their goals--without filters, judgments or imposed solutions that I think are "right" for them. I do make suggestions at times--suggestions, not dictates--and always with great respect for the other's choice to accept them or not. My consultations are interactive conversations, not one way readings, and are founded in love, compassion and respect for the animals and people who come to me.
We are all here on the planet to serve one another in some way. When I am able to help another being, animal or human, better understand or heal some aspect of their life journey, then I am privileged and filled with gratitude for the opportunity to give what I’ve come here to give in a meaningful way.
May we all be blessed with great lovingkindness, learning and healing as we cross one another's' paths.
To learn more:
Client Centered, Empathy Based Approach to Animal Communication and Healing
The Difference Between a Telepathic Conversation and a Psychic Reading