Animals in our Hearts Nurturing animals, Teresa Wagner
  • The gift of flowers does not end with beauty and fragrance,
    but continues with their profound ability
    to facilitate healing of the heart and soul ~


Flower Essences for Animals and People

How to Use Flower Essences for Animals

Selecting Essences

The capacity of flower essences to help animals with a wide array of behavioral and emotional issues is endless. The key to their effectiveness with animals is specificity of selection: matching the specific, unique and subtle issues needing attention to specific flower essences known to address those specific issues. In other words:

Match the deepest known energy of what’s going within the animal
to the healing qualities of an essence(s)

There are two categories of choosing essences: cognitive, left brain and intuitive, right brain:

Cognitive, left brain: simply match the obvious, known situation of the animal and the known healing quality of essences, which can be easily learned in the books recommended in the Resource section. Examples:

  • You are going on vacation and want to be sure your animals are not emotionally stressed during your absence. You have your pet sitter put Bleeding Heart in their water.
  • You are adopting a new animal and want to provide your current animals emotional support in accepting the new family member. You give them Holly, Quaking Grass and Willow for at least a week before the new animal arrives, and for about a month after the arrival. You give the newly adopted shelter animal Animal Relief Formula.


Intuitive, right brain methods, such as kinesiology, the use of a pendulum or animal communication. Examples:

Kinesiology or use of a pendulum are helpful to get yes/no answers or confirmation for your best guess for flower essences appropriate to the situation. Perhaps your cat is urinating out of the litter box and you believe it’s because she is mad that you have been away quite a bit. You test for Willow and get a “yes.”

Telepathic Communication is best used to identify and understand the specific thoughts, feelings, and stories behind the observed behavior. When we talk to our animals, we create an opportunity to uncover thorough, relevant information needed to match the best flower essences to the problem—far, far more complete information than what is gleaned from simply observing behavior and guessing the animal's feelings.

Perhaps your dog seems depressed so you give him Borage (which is for depression), but it doesn’t make a difference. Later, when using telepathy to talk with your dog, you find out that yes, he is somewhat depressed, but the cause of the depression is that he feels he can’t fill the shoes of your other dog, who recently died and who was the “star” dog in the family. Now you know the specific energy behind the depression you have observed: your dog is worried about not being good enough. With this more specific information, Inmortal (Desert Alchemy) would be a perfect match of flower essence support.

In using telepathy to communicate with your animal, consider the following:

  1. Identify what your animal is thinking and feeling regarding the issue at hand, the reasons underlying unacceptable behavior or troubling emotional states observed, using your own intuitive or telepathic abilities or with the help of an animal communicator.

    For flower essences to be effective, it is extremely important to match them to the animal’s internal states of emotion, energy and thoughts, not merely on observed behavior. Flower essences can do no harm, so giving the “wrong” essence for an issue can’t hurt them. But with the hundreds of essences available for so many specific and subtle issues, we have the opportunity to very closely, if not perfectly match issues with essences so healing can be targeted, thorough and more swift. For every horse that doesn’t like trailering, for every cat that goes out of the box, for every dog that digs holes, there are different reasons why, just as there are varied reasons for each human who overeats, drinks too much, or gets depressed. Flower essences don’t treat behaviors, they treat underlying causes, which is why they work so well. But for them to work at full power, they need to be carefully matched to underlying causes. Even when animals' emotions are visible, such as being aggressive with children, shy or cowering around men, hyper whenever the doorbell rings, or acting depressed, it is still important to seek the reasons why in choosing essences. There are probably twenty or more essences just for depression, a dozen or more for aggression, shyness and hyper activity. Finding out the animals’ stories, the reasons behind their observed behaviors and emotional states are what allow for the best match and effectiveness of flower essences.

  2. Select essences that address the emotional, mental or spiritual issues described by the animal.

    Essences most helpful to specific issues can be recommended by an animal communicator well versed in flower essences, by a flower essence practitioner, or through your own research in one of the fine books or the cross reference list provided created for this very purpose. The following two books and our recommended essences lists are excellent sources of cross reference of emotional and spiritual issues to essences which help heal them. I highly recommend purchasing at least one of them for a lifetime reference for this powerful source of holistic well being and healing:

Flower Essence Repertory, Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz (creators of FES essences)

The Alchemy of the Desert: A Comprehensive Guide to Desert Flower Essences for Professional and Self-Help Use, Cynthia Athina Kemp Scherer (creator of Desert Alchemy essences)

Flower essences don’t treat behaviors,
they treat underlying causes,
which is why they work so well