Pet Loss Grief Support
Pet Loss Support Resources
This is an extensive list of resources. We are providing this menu to help you navigate to exactly the type of help and support you need.
Healing Meditation which is part of the Legacies of Love audiobook by Teresa Wagner
The purpose of this meditation is to help you feel more peacefulness and reconciliation about the loss of your animal loved one, to more easily accept letting go of your physical relationship, and to strengthen your sense of connection with their spirit and your on-going love. Includes an original score of beautiful, soothing music by Roger Masson.
LuminEssence Productions
From Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, some of the best, highest quality guided meditations I have ever found. Authors of Soul Love, Living With Joy, and Spiritual Growth, they've also made dozens of meditation tapes/cds. Titles relevant to issues of grief include releasing guilt, compassion and forgiveness, opening to telepathic ability, self love and more. Available from
The Grief Process, Meditations for Healing by Stephen and Ondrea Levine
Though not specifically about the loss of animals, the Levine's meditations on letting go and what they call soft belly meditation, griefpoint meditation and forgivenss meditation, are some of the most powerful healing techniques for grief I have experienced. Highly Recommended
Movies and DVDs
The movies listed below hold powerful themes and points about death, dying, life after death, love and compassion. . .which sometimes can help us in our journey of understanding our own loss and grief.
This is a story of the ability of those who have died to give back, inspire, guide, rescue, heal and help others on earth because of the power of love. It is also a story about the importance and power of letting go, allowing our loved ones to move on after we've been separated due to death. The film shows that love is eternal, that love transcends death and overcomes grief, jealousy, and all pain. |
A beautiful story showing how souls incarnate into whatever species is appropriate for their next chosen lessons on earth (i.e. humans can come back as animals). Another powerful storyline shows how at times we "leave" the ones we love when the lessons we came together to experience are complete, giving us the freedom to move on. |
Shows the possibilities of contact after death, the continuation of love beyond death, and the importance and possibility of finishing unfinished business from the other side. As Patrick Swayze is about to make his final departure from earth after his death, he says to his beloved wife, "All the love inside, it goes with you." As he is seen moving into the light, many Spiritual beings can be seen waiting to meet him. |
This is a powerful movie about a young man named Powder who is albino, extraordinarily intelligent and telepathic. It's a story of the pain of being different in a world that does not easily understand or accept differences, about the power of empathy and compassion to heal, and the phenomenal gifts given by this "unexpected source" of someone different from the norm (so like animals in our culture). Look for these five incredible storylines/scenes:
A powerful story portraying life after death. Two souls who love each other deeply seek and find each other after physical death. Shows the complex layers of lessons we continue to learn, even after dying, and the importance of finishing "unfinished emotional business" in our journeys to find peace. |
The following DVDs were created by James Miller, D.Min, a clergyman, counselor and educator.
They are incredibly inspiring, uplifting and comforting, created with his beautiful photography of nature and filled with words "blending psychological truth with timeless wisdom." These videos and more comforting products on grief can be ordered from
We Will Remember, a Meditation for Those Who Live On: Reflective words, gentle music, absorbing photography. Its main message: our memories are not just things of the past ~ they lead us into our future. And we don't go alone ~ the one we love goes with us. Ideal for a memorial service. 11 minutes. |
Invincible Summer, Returning to Life After Someone You Love Has Died: Picture grief as a natural process: first fall, then winter, spring, summer. Picture memorable photography from each season. Picture artistic design, soothing music, assuring words. Ideal for personal use, support groups too. Film festival award-winner. 17 minutes. |
Listen to Your Sadness, Finding Hope Again After Despair Invades Your Life: Gentle support for life's troubling times. Introduces four-step process for dealing with the despair which may accompany loss and grief: experience the present, review the past, visualize the future, return to the present anew. Evocative photography from nature. Concludes with life-giving affirmation. 18 minutes |
How Do I Go On? ReDesigning Your Future After Crisis Has Changed Your Life: For those losses so serious a whole new way of living is called for. Five steps are outlined and offered as an aid, including starting with where one is, exploring the options, letting go, embracing, and living as fully as possible with what is at hand. Photography from nature guides the viewer. 21 minutes. |
Music for memorial services or to listen to for your own healing journey:
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Songs of Healing, Robbie Gass and On Wings of SongI used a chant from this tape, Go In Beauty, Peace be with You, Til We Meet Again in the Light, as I sat with my dying cat Anastasia for several days and nights. It was wonderfully soothing to both of us. We played it again at her memorial service. |
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Unspeakable Grace, Michael Stillwater and Gary MalkinThis is the music from the powerful spoken-word giftbook/CD Graceful Passages: A Companion for Living and Dying. Beautifully soothing and comforting. My very favorite piece is the Fransican Blessing. Not as "slow" as meditation music, this CD is ideal background music to bring us peace as we go about our daily lives reading, working driving, etc. |
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My Heart Will Go On and Because You Loved Me, Celine DionThough not written for the love between animals and people, these classic power ballads certainly could have been! Listen to the words of these songs, let them enter your heart and help you heal. Very powerful and affirming. These are wonderful songs of both celebration of our love as well as to help us cry tears that need to be shed. |
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Amazing Grace CeciliaThis is the most beautiful and haunting version of this song you will ever hear. Songs of humpback whales are interspered with Cecilia's angelic singing. |
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Light from Assisi, Richard Shulman
A deeply moving CD for meditation, healing and spiritual transformation, created at the birthplace of St. Francis. When I first heard this music I was in a bookstore. I dropped the book in my hands and began to cry I was so moved by the love this music brings forth. I bought the CD, then sat and listened to it in my car for an hour. A year later, I contacted Richard to ask him if the song "For St. Francis" could be played on my web site and he graciously agreed. May this very special musician be blessed, and may his music bring you the blessings of healing it brings me. Listen to "For St. Francis" on our home page, and you can buy the CD from his site (scroll until you find it). |
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The Fairy Ring, Mike Rowland
This is the magical, soothing music that supported me through my grief when my beloved cat Muffin died. Enduring, classic meditation music that will bring anyone closer to inner peace. |
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Angel Love, Aeoliah
The vibration of this meditation music is so pure and angelic it cannot help but make you feel soothed and peaceful. My animals and I sleep to this music every night. My cat Olivia sometimes asks for this music during the day! And I take it with me whenever I travel to soothe me on planes and hotel rooms. |
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Om Nimah Shivaya and other chants with Deva Premal
This artist brings ancient chants into a contemporary style while maintaining their sacredness. Highly recommended |
Having a song or piece of music composed in honor of your animal:
By Richard Shulman:
It is Richard's moving music, Light From Assisi, that plays on our home page. In addition to his many other beautiful tapes/CDs, Richard also composes instrumental Musical Soul Portraits. "A great portrait painting expresses the light of the soul as well as the form of the person protrayed. A Musical Soul Portrait expresses an individual's soul essence through music. Richard has the ability to tune into a person's soul and inner being, hear music for their Highest Good, and perform and record this music to create a musical bridge through which you may commune with the essence of God."
By Kathleen Tarp:
Kathleen loves animals probably more than anything in life. This deep love, along with her outstanding songwriting abilities and astounding voice, combine to create what she calls Song Legacies. Kathleen can write and record a customized song for your animal including: professionally written song lyrics about their life, full orchestration, profesional vocals, studio digital recording, one-of-a-kind CD cover, personalized label, and framable lyrics.