Animals in our Hearts Nurturing animals, Teresa Wagner
  • "On this globe there is almost endless diversity. Nevertheless, the greater fact is that when it comes to the treasures of the soul, differences vanish. In the place of the heart, only one light shines. This light is the same in all beings."

    -Gurumayi Chidvilasananda


Animal Communication

The Story of Ryan and Snookie

Ryan and Snookie
Ryan and Snookie

It was time for Ryan (my golden retriever and best friend) to go. He had lived 14 wise and wonderful years by my side and we were reluctant to part. We finally agreed that if he couldn't go on his own over the weekend, I promised I would help him on Monday. I was afraid I might not be strong enough, but fulfilling my promise to him would give me the strength I needed.

His little buddy and canine companion, Snookie, was unwilling to let him go. Sunday night I phoned Teresa and asked her to speak with them...

Snookie couldn't imagine being without Ryan, she worshipped him and repeatedly told Teresa that our family would be "like a three-legged chair" if Ryan left.

On Monday morning, while my partner was making the arrangements for the vet to come to the house that afternoon, I took Ryan and Snookie for their final trip to the park. Upon entering the park, the very first thing I saw was a plastic patio chair with only three legs!

With tears streaming down my face, I propped it against the tree and showed Snookie that, with help, we could remain standing.

I then knelt down beside Ryan and received the gentlest kiss of love, gratitude and farewell.

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