Pet Loss Grief Support Animals in our Hearts  Animal Communication Teresa Wagner
  • You should try to hear the name the Holy Ones have for things.
    People name everything according to the number of legs they have.
    The Holy Ones name them according to what they have inside. ~ Rumi

Frequently Asked Questions

 Remen quote V2

•  What is the purpose of the program?
•  Why a program of study instead of just a list of available classes?

•  How is the program different from other grief support training programs?
•  Who is the program for? Who Should Attend?

•  How is the program unique?
•  What is distance learning: What is a teleclass and on demand class?
•  What technology is needed to participate in the classes?
•  Are classes held live or on demand?
•  How do I enroll in the program and how do I register for classes?
•  Can I take individual classes without enrolling in the certification program?
•  Do program participants have access to dialog with instructors one on one?
•  What is the total cost of the program?
•  What are the requirements for certification?

What is the Purpose of the Program?
To support individuals who are grieving the loss of animal loved ones by:   
A) Offering classes to help them cope with and heal from the unique grief of pet loss, and
B) Increasing the number of client-centered, empathy-based grief support practitioners available to support those in grief with tremendous empathy, love and skill.

To contribute to the professional development of pet loss grief support practitioners, with an in-depth, comprehensive educational program for professional competency development leading to a certification of completion for those who wish to build or augment their knowledge and skill base in the field of animal loss and grief support.

To advance the pet loss grief support field with a first of its kind training program which addresses and integrates both psychological and spiritual issues and paradigms of loss and grief healing, and includes the perspectives of the animals themselves.

To promote a deepened cultural awareness and respect for the dignity and legitimacy of human grief from the loss of animal loved ones.

Why a Program of Study instead of just a list of available classes?
Taking individual miscellaneous classes, even in one field, does not provide the same richness and wholeness that occurs when classes in a program are intentionally organized and built upon a common philosophy, code of ethics and guiding principles. This program requires written integration papers which deepens the meaning and professional learning from the classes. It also requires private mentoring which provides students with personalized assistance and support with learning and application to real world work with clients.

The combination of classes (a total of 108 hours of class, or more depending on length of electives chosen), 15 written integration papers, 8 case studies, 6 recorded practice sessions, and 18 hours of one-on-one mentoring with class instructors provides program participants the opportunity to not only build intellectual understanding of loss, grief and grief healing but also a personal integration of the material, synthesizing their own personal and professional experiences with class content.

How is this program different from other grief support training?
We encourage individuals who are seeking training in this field to choose a program that is aligned with: 

Their values and goals
The amount of time and energy they are able and willing to commit to professional training
The depth of professional competence they are seeking to develop—a survey program that offers an
 introduction to the issues of pet loss support, or a program that provides in-depth competency development

Numerous classes and programs are available which fit a diverse sets of needs, values and goals. These are described below to help those interested in pet loss grief support training gather information and make informed choices about what is best for them.

• The Association of Death Educators and Counselors (ADEC), the premier international professional organization in the field of death, loss and grief, offers a Certification in Thanatology: Death, Dying and Bereavement focusing on human death and loss. It does not include any specialty training or certification for pet loss grief support. However, we strongly encourage our program participants to take ADEC webinars on grief support as part of their life long continuing education.

• The Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement, offers a pet loss counselor training program and is to be commended for offering the first certification program for pet loss counseling. The certification program includes one class of five sessions, based on a book written by the organization's founder. The program website suggests that concepts beyond psychology in grief support work are controversial and cautions against them.

• Two Hearts Pet Loss Center offers a 15 hour certification program based on the highly regarded work of Alan Wolfelt, Ph.D. Coleen Ellis, the instructor, is a business consultant in the pet funeral, cremation and cemetery industry, and founded Pet Angel Memorial Center, Inc. the first stand alone funeral home for pets, located in Tennessee.  

• The American Academy of Grief Counseling (part of The American Institute of Health Care Professionals) offers a Pet Loss Grief Recovery certification program with six topic areas. The program requires reading six textbooks and the successful completion of an exam to become certified. There are no live or webinar instructors, handouts or audio files. However, the person listed as instructor may be emailed if one has questions about the exam.

• There are also a number of new age oriented pet loss classes offered which may provide the animals’ perspective of grief and or new age philosophy about animal death and the afterlife but do not provide grounded counseling skills training. Some new age consultants describe grief as something be avoided because it is a “low vibration energy.” A well known law of attraction author and speaker, Esther Hicks, tells her audiences that when we experience significant loss we should just “focus away our grief and feel joy” because our loved ones have transitioned to a happy existence. She describes grief as unnecessary, a feeling that is merely a programmed response to loss, and that “the perfect amount of grief is none.”

The Pet Loss Grief Counseling Training and Certification Program:
• Focuses specifically on grief from the loss of animals
• Includes 15 classes, 108 hours of class training (or more, depending on class electives chosen), 18 hours of private, one-one-one coaching/mentoring sessions, 15 written class integration papers, and 8 case studies submitted for review (several more are required for individual classes), and 6 recorded practice sessions subimtted for review.
• Encompasses counseling psychology and grief support skills training, as well as  issues of spirituality and the animals’ perspectives of death, loss and grief.
• Acknowledges grief as a natural response to loss, one that holds great potential for emotional and spiritual growth and the deepening of wisdom when consciously faced and healed, not denied. 


Who is the program for?  Who should attend?  
The program is open to anyone who has a desire to build or augment their knowledge and skill in the field of animal loss and grief support, and is willing and able to complete the classes, written papers, case studies and mentoring required for a certification of completion.

Participants have included veterinarians and other veterinary staff, animal communicators, healing arts professionals,  animal shelter and rescue group workers, chaplains, trainers and behaviorists, pet sitters, dog walkers, and pet loss support group facilitators.

Though prerequisites apply to some of the higher level classes, one does not have to enroll in the program of study to take the classes. Classes are offered in open enrollment. A number of the classes are relevant and appropriate for people who are grieving, or animal lovers who just want to better understand issues of animal death, grief and healing. The classes are not just for grief support practitioners seeking certification.

There are no educational or professional role prerequisites for enrolling in the program. However, participants who are aligned with the underlying values and ethics of the program will likely be much more comfortable with and fulfilled by the program. Before enrolling, those interested in the program are asked to complete a questionnaire  which is followed by an informal telephone discussion with Teresa Wagner, program founder.

We encourage anyone interested in the program to read through the program overview, FAQ, certification requirements, class listings, code of ethics and underlying philosophy and faculty listings and then This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions, concerns or readiness to enroll. Your interest and participation is warmly welcomed.

How is the program unique?
There are four ways this program is unique:

1. The program is by intention a holistic integration of psychological and spiritual principles.
 People who are grieving can become confused or even stressed by literature or classes on how to cope with the loss of a pet that offer an approach that is exclusively psychologically or spiritually based when authors or teachers entrenched in one view criticize or discount the other view as if it has no merit whatsoever. This can leave  emotionally distressed, vulnerable grievers wondering who or what to believe and what might truly help them.

A foundational belief in this program and all of the classes is that the most effective, satisfactory and long lasting approach to healing grief is an integrative and comprehensive one--one that includes both grounded psychological principles and support as well as acknowledgement of and exploration of the spiritual aspects of death, loss and grief which may include holistic healing modalities of interest to and relevant to the person who is grieving.

There is perhaps never a more compelling time in our lives that arouses questions about our spiritual beliefs than the impending or actual death of a loved one. To exclude issues of spirituality in classes about loss and grief would be limiting and incomplete. On the other hand, to assume that strong spiritual beliefs in an afterlife and the ongoing life of our loved one’s spirit means there is no emotional grief work to be done (a common New Age view) and need not be covered in grief healing education would also be a limited and incomplete view. Grief is both an emotional and spiritual process. When grieving we need loving and practical support for our emotional pain as well as support to explore and express our spiritual beliefs and how they may be impacting our healing. Psychological and spiritual principles and resources are presented in these classes, with great respect for both.

2. The actual perspective of the animals is acknowledged and included. Assumptions, generalizations, stereotypes or fixed ideas about how animals experience illness, death, the afterlife are intentionally not part of this program. Instead, dozens of real stories, cases and information obtained directly from actual conversations with animals about their experiences with illness, death, grief and life after death are included, discussed and explored in the following classes:

Animal Hospice from the Perspective of the Veterinarian, the Animals and their People
The Animals’ Perspectives of Death, The Other Side and Coming Back
Animals Grieve Too:  Effective Ways to Help Animals Cope with & Heal From Loss
• The Role of Animal Communication for Illness, End of Life Issues, and Healing Grief

  This program strongly supports the position that what is referred to as animal communication, or what may be referred to as messages from animals, should be gleaned from actual one-on-one telepathic conversations with individual animals, not assumptions made from archetypal information about an entire species, or generalizations applied to all animals from one conversation with one animal.

3. We teach a client-centered approach, not a technique-centered or specific-belief-based approach to grief support.
Each journey of loss and grief is different, each grievers’ needs unique, and the resources and philosophies most suited to help each of us varies. Based on a client-centered, empathy-based approach to counseling, healing and education, information is shared and exercises offered in the classes to support participants to explore, clarify, be at ease with and make decisions about their own values and beliefs. This program does not teach, impose or suggest that any particular set of beliefs about end of life choices, animal death or the afterlife for animals is the only one or the right one.

A foundational belief in this program is that choices and beliefs surrounding end of life and grief are deeply personal and sacred, and, that it is highly inappropriate and unethical for anyone supporting others through loss to attempt to impose their personal moral beliefs.

What we teach in the skill based classes in grief support is how to compassionately and non-judgmentally support others’ values and decisions and their explorations thereof, however similar or different others’ values may be from our own.  See the Code of Ethics and Guiding Principles

4. The program is comprehensive and in depth
Classes in the curriculum cover the journey from end-of-life hospice care and decision making to physical death, understanding and healing our own grief, effectively helping others through loss, and understanding the animals‘ perspective throughout each of these experiences. The full program includes over 76 hours of class time, the time required to prepare 8 case studies, 17 mentoring/coaching sessions, and written integration papers for 15 classes. Classes have been designed to cover the topics beyond a superficial review, and also include a focus on practical application and resources for continued value and tools beyond the completion of a particular class.

What is Distance Learning?
The established trend of distance learning (online studies, teleclasses, webinars, on demand teleclasses) has changed the face of educational instruction throughout the world. Though nothing will ever replace the unique and special intimacy that is part of in person workshops, distance learning allows us to participate in far more learning opportunities due to reduced time and money required for travel. Animals in our Hearts is grateful for the technology that allows us to come together so easily to focus on learning how to help heal the grief of those whose hearts are broken.

What is a Teleclass? Teleclasses are live conference calls via your telephone. Registered participants receive a call-in number and password in order to gain access to the virtual classroom at the scheduled class times. Please note that our teleclasses utilize a conference call phone number based in the United States which is not a toll-free phone line. International students are welcome, and sometimes are able to call in via Skype. We have had many class participants from other countries, including Canada, South America, Australia and Europe.

All the teleclasses are digitally recorded which allows participants to listen to every class session even if they cannot attend a particular session live. Participants receive digital recordings of each class session in MP3 format at the completion of each class which can be downloaded for listening multiple times, at any time in the future.  

Class handouts are provided in advance via an internet link for all who take part in the class.The call-in phone number, plus links to handouts, are provided via e-mail within a few days of the start of each teleclass. Sometimes, the handouts are sent at least a week in advance of a class when there are assignments for pre-class reading or exercises.  

During a live teleclass, all class participants are able to hear the instructor, but participants are asked to mute their phones so that background household noise does not disturb the class. However, during question and answer periods and during the discussion of class exercises, those who choose to speak un-mute their phones so they can participate verbally and be heard by the group.

What is an On Demand Class? Taking a class on demand means that participants complete a class at at their own pace rather than attend a live class at a prescribed time.  On demand classes allow participants to listen to the audio, read the handouts and complete any class exercises The registered participants of on demand classes receive the same digital recordings of the audio portion of the classes and all the same handouts.

The audio recordings are from live teleclass recordings, so the benefit of hearing questions and discussions with the instructor as the material is being covered with participants remains. Also, when taking any class for credit, including on demand versions, as part of certification, the required private, one on one coaching session following each class allows the participant to ask personalized questions of the instructor.

What technology is needed to participate in the classes?
A telephone, preferably a land line for optimal sound during the classes, is needed to listen to the audio portion of the classes when taken live. The call in numbers are not toll free--participants are responsible for any long distance charges.

A computer, internet connection and an email account to receive all correspondence for the classes and program.

A printer to print out handouts. Though handouts can also be viewed on screen, some of the class handouts include exercises which are best completed on printed handout pages.

Participants must know or learn how to download PDF documents (for the handouts) and MP3 files (for the class recordings) on one’s computer. Because every computer is different, every operating system is different, and because we are not tech experts at Animals in our Hearts, we are unable to coach individuals on how to operate their computers for these functions. We strongly advise that you do the following before taking any of the classes:

1. Download Adobe Reader (which is free) if you don’t already have installed, which will allow you to open and read any PDF document.

2. If you are not familiar with how to download and find MP3 files on your computer, please seek help from a tech savvy family member, friend or computer consultant familiar with your computer. 

Are the classes held as live teleclasses or on demand?
Both! The scheduling of live classes varies each quarter (please check each course description for scheduled classes), with almost all classes available on demand. The availability of on demand participation allows you to take classes at your convenience. All on demand classes include the full recording from a live class and all handouts.

How do I enroll in the program and how do I register for classes?
Enrollment in the certification program:

Individuals interested in certification are asked to complete an application questionnaire followed by an informal telephone meeting with Teresa Wagner to discuss the issues in the questionnaire, your questions and concerns about the program, and how your needs, goals and current and or planned work can be supported by the program.

A $25 application fee is due before the telephone meeting. When you’ve completed the application questionnaire please email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. When we receive it, we will confirm receipt, email you a link to pay the $25 application fee and will schedule the phone meeting.

If after the phone meeting you are ready to enroll in the program, the next step is to register for one the core required classes (which are the first three classes listed on the Class Listings page) followed by completing a Written Class Review of that class, followed by a private coaching/mentoring call for the class. This sequence—completing a class, writing and submitting the Written Class Review and having the phone coaching/mentoring call—is repeated for each of the 15 classes which must be completed for certification.

Any classes taken before the application submission and telephone meeting can be applied to credit for certification. 
However, Written Class Reviews and Coaching/Mentoring sessions must be taken for all classes toward certification, including those taken before the application is completed and the telephone meeting.

Registering for classes:
Simply click on the class title of your choice in the Class Listings section and you will be taken to a detailed description page for that class. On that detailed class description page, (click here for an example) you will see a table listing Length, Dates Offered, Cost and Register/Purchase, etc. There will be a link in the Register/Purchase line to make payment for the class. You may also This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for directions on how to pay by check.

Immediately after making payment, you will receive confirmation of payment/registration.
If you are taking the class on-demand, you will also immediately receive links to the class audio recordings and handouts. 

If you are taking the class live, approximately one week before the class date you will receive cal- in numbers for the live class and a link for the class handouts.

Can I take individual classes without enrolling in the certification program?
Absolutely! All classes are open enrollment and can be taken by anyone.

Do program participants have access to dialog with instructors one on one?
Yes. Because this is a distance learning program, it is important to Animals in our Hearts that there is personalized contact between program participants and class instructors, beyond Q & A during classes. This begins with the application questionnaire follow up phone conversation and is followed by the one hour coaching and mentoring private sessions after every required and elective class to continue personalized communication and support regarding class content, cases or issues the class participant wants to review. Including the application follow up phone conversation, there are 18 hours of one on one private time with instructors.

What is the total cost of the program--including class tuition fees and coaching & mentoring session fees? 

Class fees vary with each class, dependent primarily on class length. To view fees for a specific class,  please see the class title line in the Class Listing section. The majority of classes are priced at approximately $25/per class hour, which is the lower range of market rate ($25-$60/per class hour) for non-profit and healing arts teleclasses and webinars.

• Fees for 10 required classes:                                                                                          $ 2,190.00

• Fee for 11th required class (a choice of one of three holistic classes):                   $      99.00

• Fees for 4 elective classes (assumes 1@ $48, 2@ $99, 1@ $112—this could
  fluctuate slightly 
depending on the electives chosen)                                               $    358.00

• Fees for 18 mentoring sessions (16@ $150 and 2@ $200)                                      $ 2,800.00

Total costs include:

• 15 classes (live or on-demand) with digital audio files and handout PDF files for each
• 109 class hours (may fluctuate slightly depending on length of electives chosen)

• 1,259 total pages of handouts (1,001 from required classes and approximately 258 from elective classes depending on electives chosen)

• 18 hours of private, one-on-one mentoring/coaching sessions with class instructors to discuss the required Written Class Reviews, Case Studies, Recorded Practice Sessions and any questions and concerns about the class content, and/or issues with actual client cases.  


Class fees are paid at the time of registration for a particular class. Mentoring/coaching session fees are not due until the program participant completes a particular class, the written class review, and requests for scheduling a private coaching and mentoring session. Class and mentoring fees may be paid by credit card or check.


• 7% discount/savings if paid by credit card:  $381.29  
Total cost for program with 7% discount: $5,065.71
A 6 month deferment on payment with no interest is available from Paypal at time of payment.

• 10% discount/savings if paid by check: $544.70
Total cost for program with 10% discount: $4,902.30
Three separate checks of  $1,634.10 may be sent over 6 months, the first of which must be received before the first class registration. 

To make one of the discounted options for pre-payment of the total program cost, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indicating your choice of credit card or check payment, and we will send an invoice with the amount due.

What are the requirements for certification?   Click here for full information





















