Pet Loss Grief Support Animals in our Hearts  Animal Communication Teresa Wagner
  • You should try to hear the name the Holy Ones have for things.
    People name everything according to the number of legs they have.
    The Holy Ones name them according to what they have inside. ~ Rumi


If needed, this category can be combined but gives us a chance to separate out the workshops - in person - from the classes - teleclasses - or however they're defined.

Animals' Souls: The Animals' Perspectives and Stories
about Death, the Other Side, & Coming Back

JoeBear Coupal and The Light 2


4 hour Teleclass: two sessions, 2 hours each

or LIVE:

Offered On Demand to take anytime, at your convenience.
The MP3 recordings received with this purchase are from a live class which include the questions, comments and interactions of the participants with the instructor.


Reduced in price--from $119 to $48--so everyone interested in or yearning to learn more about what happens to animals after death has affordable and convenient access to this information from the animals.

• 2 hours of digital recordings
• 13 pages of handouts with a message from Teresa and many resources for further learning


To Purchase Click here.

More classes on this subject are available in the Animal Loss and Grief Support Training and Certification Program.


Teresa Wagner, M.S.










This teleclass is ideal for anyone who wants to hear stories from the animals to enhance their understanding about the diversity of what is possible in death, the other side, and coming back—directly from the perspective of the animals' souls.

I like that Teresa shared stories from other people and animals with us. I like that she included all the participants. It is a joy listening to Teresa. She is soooo rich with all this knowledge. Just sign up and listen. Your life will change forever. I feel blessed to be among people who love animals.
~ Ruth Martin

Click here to read more comments from class participants



I am in awe and deeply grateful for all I have learned from the animals about death including what so many of them describe about what it is like for animals' souls in the spirit world. Their stories have humbled me, touched me, and have made me utterly unafraid of death. It is a great privilege to talk with both the animals and their people during these sacred transitions.

This teleclass was created at the request of many clients who longed to understand more about what happens to our beloved animals after death. There is perhaps nothing as sobering as the severe illness or physical death of a loved one to bring on a crisis of faith or an inner questioning of our spiritual belief systems. We may ask ourselves--for the first time or perhaps the 100th time--what do I really believe happens when we die? What happens to animals? Is it the same as with us? Are animals' souls the same as ours?  Different? Who are they with? What are they doing? Can we still talk? Will we be together again?

This class is ideal for anyone who wants the answers to these questions--directly from the animals--to enhance their understanding about the diversity of of animals' experiences at death, on the other side, and in coming back to earth. The class does not include the dogma of any particular religious, spiritual or metaphysical belief system. You will not be told things about death and afterlife as it if they are the ultimate, final or exclusive truth. Rather, you will hear stories from the animals offered as information to help you clarify your own beliefs, and to be inspired by the animals themselves.
I believe strongly, and have seen evidence of this within myself and with many clients, that having a strong sense of faith, belief or understanding about death and life beyond earth can bring great comfort during the poignant and emotionally challenging time of grief and anticipatory grief. This class does not impose a particular belief system; it offers a great deal of information heard over many years from the animals.
If you would like to hear stories to enhance and perhaps increase your understanding about the mystery of souls coming to and leaving the earth, this teleclass is appropriate for you. My hope is that it serves to bring you more comfort and peace during the inevitable and often painful times of losing your animal loved ones. Their stories have certainly provided this for me.

With Love and Blessings to you and the animals you love,

Picture 2

Issues that are addressed in the teleclass:

  • What Have the Animals Said About What Death Is Like?
    • Is every experience the same, or are there differences?
    • Are there trends of similar things for most animals?
    • Who meets them, who are they with?
  • Where Do They Go?
    • How do They Describe Heaven/The Other Side?
    • What does it look like? feel like?
  • What Do They Do?
    • What goes on there?
  • Do They Miss Us? See us? Visit Us?
    • Does it disturb them if I connect with them a lot?
    • If I cry or grieve a lot?
    • If I sense them visiting me, does this mean they are stuck and haven't moved on?
  • Do Animals Have Souls?
    • If so, are they the same as human souls?
    • Is there a hierarchy of souls?
    • Can animals become human, can humans become animals?
  • Will We Be Together Again With the Animals We have Loved and Lost?
    • If they come back, will they be the same? different?
    • How will I know it's them?
  • Is there a difference between soul family and earth family?
  • If there is reincarnation, what do souls do between lives, what choices do they make?

Visit the sections on comfort and support and other resources to help you with grief


There is also a CD/MP3 available with a special guided meditation for those of you who may want to communicate with the souls of your animals after death.

Comments from Class Participants:

"Teresa is so gentle and kind in her delivery. And the stories that she shared were beautiful. I can listen to her on a soul level and grow." Toni P.

"I wasn't really expecting anything from this class, I was just curious. I ended up enjoying the classes very much and came away with a lot of helpful information and a lot to think about. Teresa presented the material very well. I also liked how she asked people in the class to relate their personal experiences, and the opportunity after class to hear everyone's perspectives."  Jeanine G.

"Teresa's choices what to share of the animal perspectives were great. They were a combination of affirming, reassuring, heartwarming, and perspective shifting. I could feel Teresa's thoughtfulness and gentle presence, which is so wonderful to be with. I also enjoyed being with a group of like minded people." Julie L.

"So satisfying, confirming and enlightening." Judy T.

"Teresa is a wonderful teacher, and the class was as spiritual as I expected. I truly enjoyed envisioning the others in the group, and knowing that we all came together to share this moment for ourselves, and of course for the animals. It was a privilege and an honor to attend." Linda W.

"I really enjoyed the class, I learned new information and feel very reassured about facing the death of not only my pets, but other loved ones as well."  Lori H.

"I felt very fulfilled and grateful after hearing Teresa's shared stories. Teresa is a wonderful role model as an animal communicator and also her gentle and encouraging way of being in the world inspires me to become softer and kinder as I embrace each day.  I value the information Teresa shared in this teleclass from her years of experience in this field. I truly admire her particular style in speaking with the animals that have crossed over and their people and in creating such a safe and loving arena for all concerned."  Judy W.

"What an incredibly satisfying journey Teresa has taken us on during this teleclass. Her gentle presentations of her client’s stories lead me through a range of emotions – from laughter, to tears, to quiet reflection. I am richer and wiser for having taken this class, and yet I am deeply humbled by the profound wisdom and unconditional love of our beloved animal companions. I understand more clearly, now, that the best and most beautiful things in this life cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. The class exceeded my expectations."  Davidene T.

"I LOVE Teresa, she just makes everything so easy even in a difficult situation. I look forward to more classes of hers." Dana L.
"With the use of real stories from her client base, Teresa presented a comforting view of death from the animal's perspective. Her wealth of experience as an animal communicator and her use of clients' stories helped keep the presentation real. The pace and organization of her presentation was exactly right."  Kath Q.

"Thanks for having this class that addressed questions many of us were wondring within ourselves. "Tina T.

"Teresa has a fantastic ability to take thought-provoking topics and present them in a straightforward fashion. Her ability to mix humor into her presentation of the mysteries of souls coming to and leaving earth is outstanding! She paces content and delivers it at an appropriate level for all to understand. Responds well to questions posed."Davidene T.


Photos at top and in collage, left to right:

Top photo:

Joe Bear, beloved dog of Gail Coupal. Photo taken before Joe Bear's death.

Collage left: Sassy with Liam

Sassy was the beloved dog of Sandra and her family until her passing in 2007. Her journey started on this earth when Sandra got her in L.A. and brought her home to Northern CA to give some joy to her late husband who was then ill with leukemia. She not only brought him joy but he became healthier and lived another 5 years. When he passed Sassy was devastated and she and Sandra healed together. "She became my healer and protector," Sandra said.

Sassy's gentle healing energy and love also extended to the infant seen behind her in this photo: Liam Sean, Sandra's grandson. Sassy and Sandra took care of him every Friday for two years while his parents were at work. Sassy adored him.

Sassy has also told us that from the other side she continues to look after Sandra, sending her energy and helping her health, and, that she is a leader and teacher of others now where she is. She has also sent Sandra and her family a delightful new dog named Sierra, bringing them new joy. Sandra says, "I will never forget her and what she has done for me. Her love was 'to the limit and beyond' and now it is showing through little Sierra Rose."


Collage middle: Pandora In White

Pandora had a larger than life personality in a beautiful little 7 pound body. She was always in the middle of any activity, greeting everyone with a determined, intent look that said "I have something to say". It was as if there was a human inside saying I need to come out and I have things to tell you. She had an indomitable spirit - clear about who she was and what she wanted. When she left the earth among her first two comments were: "I'm not little anymore" and "Please remember how I looked."

Now Pandora's spirit is truly larger than life. She left behind her earth mom and sister and has said that it is her turn to look after them. In fact, she has created a triangle of light between between the three of them; sending energy, love and protection for both of them.

Collage right: Oliver with Angel

Oliver , who captured the heart of his person Marisa, loved the garden. Marisa's mother loved angels and after her passing this angel statuary came to adorn and bless Oliver's garden.

Sadly, Oliver was diagnosed with heart related illness and crossed over at the very tender age of four years old in February of 2008. Prayers and loving thoughts for Oliver and his family are welcomed/











Flower Essences for Illness, End-of-Life Care, Caregiver Stress
and Healing Grief:

Learn how to use healing flowers essences to support the sacred transition of death, the grieving process, and caregiver and grief support roles

Flower Essence TC collage

Left to right:  Gracie collecting flowers; Olivia helping to bless the making of a flower essence blend;
Morgan enjoying his garden


A two part teleclass, four total hours


Currently available On Demand to take at your convenience: includes audio and downloadable handouts


$25 Includes approximately 4 hours of audio recording and over 35 pages of detailed, full color  handouts with very specific how-to information to serve as a life long reference tool.


To purchase the On Demand class, click here
This class is one of many in the Animal Loss and Grief Support Program of Study.


Teresa Wagner, M.S.


• Anyone who would like to provide deeper emotional and spiritual support for beloved animals during their illness/hospice period and throughout their death process (for current or future situations)

• Anyone who has lost a beloved animal and would like emotional and spiritual support for dealing with the death of a pet (for past, current or future losses)

• Anyone who would like to feel relief from the physical and emotional stress that is part of intense caregiving for a loved one, as well as support for anticipatory grief

• Anyone who supports others who grieve and would like help in not taking in the pain of grievers, and with overwhelm, stress or uncertainty about how best to help, which are feelings natural to the grief support role

Practitioners who wish to assist and educate their clients with information about how certain flower essences can support the process of death and grieving, and the roles of caregiving and grief support:

Grief & pet loss counselors, pet loss support group facilitators, animal communicators, flower essence practitioners, veterinary professionals, animal shelter and rescue group staff, trainers and behaviorists, energy healers, therapists, as well as friends and family members who want to fully support their loved ones who are grieving or caregiving

This class provides practical information you can use the rest of your life to support the animals you love and care for during the critical and stressful times of illness and transition. The information you'll gain can also be easily shared with your clients to assist them in supporting their animal loved ones.

SPECIAL NOTE: Though this class is designed with a focus on dealing with the death of a pet, the entire class and the essences described are applicable to human death and loss of human loved ones as well.


Flower Essences can change lives

The sacred drops of flower essences have changed my life, and have been life enhancing for many, many of my human and animal clients. If you feel a resonance with the flowers, and want to become more knowledgeable and proficient in using them, please consider joining me at this workshop. It will empower you to bring life-long energetic assistance to animals, your clients and yourself.

Flower Essence TC collage 2Left to right: Mickey, Bleeding Heart, Grief Relief Flower Essence Formula, Bleeding Heart alba, and my beloved KK
(KK's portrait by Leslie Heathcote)


Death from the physical body is one of the most sacred periods of time on earth. Yet it also often brings tremendous emotional pain to those of us who grieve the physical loss of loved ones, intense stress to those of us in caregiving roles, and sometimes uncertainty for those of us wanting to provide support to those who grieve. And, of course, most of us have a great desire for a peaceful death experience for our loved ones. Flower essences provide us with gentle yet powerful energy to support both our loved ones and ourselves during the transition of death, grieving, caregiving and supporting others.

Flower essences are natural, inexpensive, non-intrusive to administer, and can be used in conjunction with any medicines or holistic remedies without any contra indications. Learning about and using the many dozens of essences available to support us during the sacred period of death and grief can change the nature of these experiences from suffering to grace, and add peace to the pain, as Eckhart speaks of in the quote below. I hope you will join us for this teleclass to learn how to use the essences to bring more grace, peace and relief from suffering to your experiences of caregiving, loss and grief. The information can be used the rest of your life and the lives of the animals you love and care for during those critical and emotional stressful times.

When a form that you have unconsciously or consciously identified with as part of yourself leaves you or dissolves, that can be extremely painful. It leaves a hole, so to speak, in the fabric of your existence. When this happens, can you face and accept that hole, that strange empty space? If you do, you may find that it is no longer a fearful place. You may be surprised to find peace emanating from it.
~Eckhart Tolle,Stillness Speaks

In this comprehensive, interactive and hands-on class you will have an opportunity to:

  • Review the practical basics of flower essences:
    • What they are and how they are made
    • How to they work?
    • How to give them to animals and take them ourselves
    • The difference between stock/concentrate bottles, formulas and dosage bottles
    • Whey to buy flower essences
  • Learn the important difference between “rescue” formulas such as Rescue Remedy and Five Flower Formula which are helpful for immediate short term relief, and the multitude of additional essences available for both immediate and longer term healing of specific feelings and issues
  • Learn how to maximize the effective use of flower essences by matching specific essences to specific feelings and energy states vs. relying exclusively on pre-blended formulas
  • Hear case studies of how flower essences have helped others during caregiving, death, and grief
  • Ask questions and receive coaching about which essences would be helpful for your personal situation or your clients’ situations
  • Become intimately familiar with dozens of individual flower essences that heal and support specific feelings or energy states associated with:
    • End stages of illness/hospice or trauma before death
    • The transition of physical death
    • The role of direct caregiver to one who is dying
    • Being witness (direct or indirect) to the trauma or death of another
    • Grieving the loss of a loved one--dealing with the death of a pet
    • The role of supporting others through grief

Teresa’s background in flower essences and loss and grief:
Teresa has been working with flower essences both personally and professionally since 1989. She has studied with the founders of the Flower Essence Society, Desert Alchemy and Perelandra. She also created the formula and conducted the early research for the Animal Relief Formula, available from FES and in the Animals in our Hearts Store. Teresa has also had an active animal communication practice since 1991 and has been working professionally in grief counseling since 1986. She holds an undergraduate degree in psychology and a masters degree in counseling. Bringing the healing energy of the flowers to animals and people is one of her greatest joys.

Read an article describing Teresa's work in FES's International Newsletter.

You may also enjoy Teresa's articles on dealing with the death of a pet.

You may want to learn more about flower essences in the Flower Essence Repertory

Feedback from Class Participants

It was a great class on how to use Flower Essences for the specific use during end of life issues.
Teresa's connection and knowledge of the energies of flower essences is amazing. Gave me a renewed respect for the healing powers of flower essences, and another energy to lean on during a very difficult time. Teresa's amazing connection to the flower essences will energize you to learn more. She has such a compassionate way with dealing with these issues, you will find support from her during this very difficult time.
~ Tresa Laferty

I debated whether it would be too repetitious for what I already knew about the subject and whether I should take it. I am VERY glad I did. This is an amazing class. Take it!!
The incredible knowledge of the instructor and her warm, compassionate delivery. All of her classes are amazing!
~ Penny P

Teresa's workshops always exceed my expectations, she has a voice and knowledge which make learning a joy! Having lost my beloved Alfie dog a year ago, many helpful ideas came forward from other students who talked about their troubles, for which Teresa gave great insight and flower essence suggestions. ~ Diane D

I learned so much in four hours- she packed so much in!! I really want to take more of her classes. I didn't know i would really become passionate about essences but she made it so pleasant I'm hooked! Using now in addition to ttouch with puppy mill and shelter dogs. Realizing how much essences can truly help. ~ Judy S

I am much more comfortable about recommending flower essences after taking this course - and about being able to choose them for myself - without waiting for advice from the practitioner I work with. I especially appreciate your help with the hedgehog PTSD issue. It's helping me with ways to deal with care giving issues in my own life - and also providing thoughtful information that will help me help my clients. A wonderfully thorough introduction to using flower essences for a wide variety of grief and loss issues. I especially liked the second class - the use of the meditation to identify an issue (I was surprised at what came up for me!) - and then how those issues were woven into the instruction as a way to learn about using essences. I found the series of questions and the followup discussion especially helpful. ~ Dawn W

More about the Flower Essences

Shooting Star is a profoundly healing essence for animals and humans who feel alienated and not at home on earth. It helps us find our sense of belonging on earth when we have lost a deeply beloved one to physical death.

Photo: Sacred preparation of the Shooting Star Mother Essence, co-created in the Sierra Nevada mountains during the FES practitioner program in 1989

Preparation of the Mother Essence Shooting Star

My beloved cat Olivia, healing angels, and sacred stones of larimar, rose and Lemurian quartz help in the blessing of the Animal Relief Formula, created to help all animals who have been or are in rescue, foster and shelter situations or any trauma.

Olivia, healing angels and sacred stones blessing the Animal Rescue Formula

FES Five Flower Formula

The flowers in the well known Rescue Remedy created by Dr. Edward Bach are the same essences in the powerful Healingherbs blend Five-Flower Formula, distributed by FES in North America. All of the English essences made by the Bach company are available through FES.


If you were to see your true self, your own brilliant soul,
you would find that you are worthy of great love.
If you were to see yourself as you really are,
you would realize that you are truly a most beautiful light of God.
The highest truth of this exists within the heart of each one of us.
Getting just a glimpse of that can change our lives.

~Gurumayi Chidvilasananda


Sometimes, when we are ill (animal or person), the focus on our dramatically changing bodies and physical life can impact remembering who we are at our core, for true healing or preparation for death to come with peace. The essence from the Inmortal flower helps us experience this glimpse, helping transform feelings of inadequacy—not strong enough, worthy enough, beautiful enough, deserving enough, especially compared to others—into pure, unconditional love for oneself at the root of one's being. It is one of my most frequently recommended essences for people and animals. Learn more about all of the Desert Alchemy flower essences.

How Animal Communication Can Help in Times of Illness, Death, Grieving and After Death

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A two part teleclass, four total hours

or LIVE?

Live Teleclass August 12 and 19, 2017
Offered On-Demand by August 21, 2017


$99 includes:
• Approximately 4 1/2  hours of digital audio recording
• Approximately 40 pages of detailed handouts
• A free copy of the 74-minute CD MP3: Connecting With Your Animal After Death


To register, click here
This class is one of many in the Pet Loss Grief Counseling Training and Certification Program. Those working toward certification in the program may use the credit from this class as a required or elective class.


Teresa Wagner, M.S.


This class is suitable for both anyone who wants to help their own beloved animal, and for professionals who work with animals to explore the benefits of using telepathic animal communication as a powerful resource to support animals when they are ill, near end-of-life, after death and as a support when grieving.

Practitioners such as pet loss grief counselors, pet loss support group facilitators, therapists, healing arts practitioners who work with animals (and grieving humans), veterinary professionals, animal shelter and rescue group staff and volunteers, animal trainers and behaviorists, etc., will be able to better understand what animal communication is and how it may help their clients.



Learning that our animals are seriously ill or near end-of-life can begin a period of great challenge. We may be scared, confused, overwhelmed, become paralyzed by shock or bury ourselves in research about medical options—all of which is normal. It is hard to remain centered and present during such times.
Though animal communication is not a panacea that can cure illness or make the loss of our animal loved ones emotionally painless, it does hold tremendous potential to make these times with our animals more informed, more intimate, filled with more meaning than fear, and consciously sacred. Talking with our animals can bring us clarity about how they feel, both psychically and emotionally; help us learn what they want; prepare them for treatments and procedures; get answers to questions; end confusion; calm overwhelm and bring the energy of grace to what can one of the most difficult experiences of our lives.


In this two session teleclass, the following will be covered:

SESSION ONE:  Presentation with Questions and Answers

  • The #1 benefit of using animal communication during illness and end-of-life
  • Defining and understanding what animal communication really is:
      Three windows of understanding animals
      What telepathic animal communication is and isn't
      Critical difference between a one-way psychic reading about an animal
        and an interactive conversation with an animal
      Filters and projections
      Information from above and below the water line
  • How it can help during illness
  • How it can help during hospice
  • How it can help after death
  • How it can help with grief: for humans and/or animals who are mourning
  • How it can help with reincarnation reunions
  • Further resources

SESSION TWO:  Panel Discussion—Stories Directly From People Who Have Used Animal Communication During Times of Illness, Before Death, Grief and After Death

A group of several clients will describe their stories covering the following issues and field questions from participants in the class 

    • Partnering with one’s animal during illness regarding treatment decisions, comfort needs, quality of life needs
    • Knowing "when it was time"
    • How communicating with our animals can help with grief and emotional completion
    • Assisting other animals in the family deal to with their grief, and with newly adopted animals after an animal dies
    • Discussion and planning regarding reincarnation reunions


FURTHER RESOURCES:  Classes, books, flower essences

You may also find support in Teresa's articles on dealing with the death of a pet.

Important Disclaimer: When Not to Use Animal Communication

Animal communication should never be used a substitute for veterinary care. Animal communication can help us gain information about our animals' perspective of their physical health. It can help us get answers to questions about their physical symptoms, i.e., where in their body is the discomfort, is the discomfort shooting pain or more like an ache, is it chronic or situational? Though this type of information can assist with veterinary care, animal communication should never, ever be used instead of medical diagnosis or medical care. If your animal is physically ill, seek veterinary medical care.

















































