Pet Loss Grief Support Animals in our Hearts  Animal Communication Teresa Wagner
  • You should try to hear the name the Holy Ones have for things.
    People name everything according to the number of legs they have.
    The Holy Ones name them according to what they have inside. ~ Rumi

Flower Essences for Animals & People

How to Use Flower Essences for Yourself

Our outlook on life depends on the nearness of the personality to the soul. The closer the union, the greater the harmony and peace, and the more clearly will shine the light of Truth and radiant happiness.

~Dr. Edward Bach, Heal Thyself

The capacity of flower essences to help us with a wide array of life challenges and issues is endless. The key to their effectiveness is specificity of selection: matching the specific, unique and subtle issues needing attention to specific flower essences known to address those specific issues. In other words: Match the deepest known energy of what’s going within ourselves to the healing qualities of an essence(s).

How much to take and frequency:
Approximately 4 drops, 4x per day to achieve optimal healing. Taking an essence just once a day will usually not result in significant healing. Frequency is important. When in crisis (emotionally, mentally or physically) it can help to take the essence every few minutes or whenever feeling overwhelmed.

How to administer:
Flower essences can be taken orally or transdermally.

• Under the tongue, 4 drops (be careful to not let the dropper bottle touch your mouth--if it does, rinse the dropoper with spring water before placing back into bottle)

• Place 2-4 drops into your bottle/glass of water

• Mist onto the skin

How long to take a given flower essence or formula:
Until the issue feels significantly better--then, continue to take for another week or more to energetically "lock in" the healing from the flower essences.




If you were to see your true self, your own brilliant soul, you would find that you are worthy of great love. If you were to see yourself as you really are, you would realize that you are truly a most beautiful light of God. The highest truth of this exists within the heart of each one of us. Getting just a glimpse of that can change our lives.

~Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

The essence from the Inmortal flower helps us experience this glimpse, helping transform feelings of inadequacy--not good enough, smart enough, worthy enough, beautiful enough, deserving enough, especially compared to others--into pure, unconditional love for oneself at the root of one's being. It is one of my most frequently recommended essences for people and animals. Available from Desert Alchemy. Photo by Camillo Scherer, copyright Desert Alchemy.


The Flower Essences in the Animal Relief Formula

Formula created by Teresa Wagner, All essences are from FES

My beloved cat Olivia, healing angels, and sacred stones of larimar, rose quartz and Lemurian quartz help in the blessings of the Animal Rescue Formula.

Livvie blessing ARF
Releases cellular memory of trauma locked into the body
Bleeding Heart:
For feeling abandoned in a relationship; nourishes the heart and helps heal enormous pain of brokenheartedness when a relationship is lost.
Helps to restore the Soul's integrity, and to reclaim our core sense of Self and essential dignity when assaulted by shattering events such as exploitation, degradation, trauma or abuse.
Rejuvenation and hope where there has been loss, devastation and trauma
Five-Flower Formula:
Brings calmness & stability in emergencies and high stress situations
Cherry Plum:
Brings a sense of guidance and protection from a Higher Power, and strength and encouragement in times of extreme tension and fear
Helps us stay grounded, connected to the vital life force in our physical bodies, and present in the here and now
Brings patience and acceptance when difficult situations create irritation, impatience, intolerance & anger
Rock Rose:
Courage, inner peace and tranquility in extreme or life threatening circumstances, involving deep fear, terror, panic or fear of death.
Star of Bethlehem:
Brings soothing, healing qualities and reassurance from the Spiritual world when in shock or traumatized
Helps heal feelings of being unloved and rejected, of feeling isolated, alienated, and irritable
Mariposa Lily:
Helps when there has been abuse or abandonment from mother (or human parent figures) resulting in feelings of being unloved and unwanted. This essence cultivates a warm and loving acceptance of oneself and a sense of feeling worthy enough to accept love and nurturing from others.
Oregon Grape:
Builds trust and the ability to receive the sustaining love of others, despite past experiences that created valid reasons not to trust
Poison Oak:
Helps heal fear of intimate contact, of being touched, or being violated. Enhances the ability to be close and make contact with others rather than creating a negative barrier between ourselves and others by showing hostility, anger and irritability, thus keeping a safe emotional distance.
Red Clover:
Emotional protection from highly charged emotional energy of a group in a crisis setting; infuses strong forces of self awareness, calm and steadiness, helping avoid being pulled into "mass hysteria" of a group.
Sweet Pea:
Helps heal a deep sense of alienation and not belonging for those who are homeless or have been abandoned by their families; builds the ability to trust that commitment from a family is possible, and that family life can be safe.
Wild Rose:
Restores the vital forces of the soul when there is resignation, lack of hope, apathy, depression or despair which depletes one's vitality or will to live. Helps us regain joy and connection to earthly life.

How the Formula Was Created and Why

Shelter-worker with white dog

As a flower essence practitioner and animal communicator, I've had the opportunity and privilege to talk with thousands of animals, many of whom have been traumatized. In my private practice I recommend specific flowers essences to their people for each animals' unique situation and emotional state. But as we know, not every animal in a rescue or trauma situation has a permanent home or person to reach out for such resources. For years, I had nagging thoughts about wanting to provide flower essence support to the larger numbers of animals in rescue situations (every year, millions are in pre and post adoption) who do not have the luxury of an animal communicator or a flower essence practitioner to assess their specific needs and make a specialized dosage bottle for them. I began to play with the idea of creating a broad based formula that would address the unique needs of animals in rescue situations.

In communicating with animals over many years it has been my experience that their emotional lives—in depth, range, intensity-- are just like ours as humans, including both the observable symptoms and inner struggles of post traumatic stress. They experience the same grief, confusion, heartache and trauma that we do when abandoned, abused, losing loved ones, or are “traded in for a new model.” Though I have recommended the Post Trauma Stabilizer formula from FES from the time it was developed, and still do for humans, it does not include essences for some of the predictable, common issues for animals in rescue. The Animal Relief Formula was created (originally called the Animal Rescue Formula) to assist in healing traumas unique to companion animals in our culture which, tragically, are common occurrences for millions of animals every day in the United States:

  • Animals who have been abandoned by their owners at our community's shelters, when it became challenging or too inconvenient to keep them
  • Animals who have been passed from one home or family to another, with no one committed to loving and caring for them for their lifetime
  • Animals who have been physically abused or tortured by humans
  • Animals whose owners have died, and now find themselves transported to new, unfamiliar surroundings without the person who loved and cared for them and whom they loved
  • Animals who have been abandoned by their owners on the streets and in the countryside to fend for themselves (or are the offspring of abandoned animals such as feral cats), and now find themselves in a shelter, foster home or permanent home, wondering where they are and what may happen next.
  • Animals who have been exploited as performing, show or breeding vehicles, who may not even live with their owners, and are valued exclusively or predominantly for their perfection of conformation or ability to perform in precise ways a human wishes them to perform--to win money, prizes or championships, to reproduce, to serve the financial profit or ego enhancement of their human owners--and are then sold, euthanized, or abandoned at rescue facilities, or otherwise discarded when what they produce or how they perform is no longer acceptable to their current owner.

Animals in rescue situations such as the above are very near and dear to my heart for a number of professional and personal reasons.


From 1994 to 2003, I provided Compassion Fatigue workshops for workers in dozens of shelters throughout the United States and for the Humane Society of the United States and the American Humane Association. It was when I began this work that I was first educated about the tragedy of overpopulation and the overwhelming statistics of unwanted animals being euthanized in the U.S. Working closely with the often overworked, underpaid and dedicated animal welfare professionals inspired me to volunteer at my local SPCA in the kennels and the euthanasia room to provide support to both staff and the animals. It's an understatement to say that rescue animals need our help. Providing them with flower essences is an inexpensive, natural, easy yet powerful way to support them.

On a personal level, my own cats were rescued by my local SPCA, heroically in one case, saved from the roof of a home during a major flood, and the other as a starving cat on the streets. It took years for one of them to fully trust touch. Her story of trauma is tragic and she may never have learned to trust or be held without the help of the flower essences. Sometimes, even being loved is not enough. The soul at times needs to summon great courage to learn to trust and take in love. The flower essences are a tremendous gift in such situations.

Anyone intimately familiar with the experience of trauma knows of its lasting, insidious symptoms, how it effects everyday life and relationships, and the painstaking inner work it can take to re-learn trust and re-claim wholeness in a world that has been imprinted in early life as unsafe. This process is the same for animals and people. There is no difference. This Animal Rescue Formula was created to bring the animals a gentle, powerful and inexpensive form of help.

Shelter-worker-with-catI'd like to thank Jann Garrity and Patricia Kaminski at FES for their support in the development of this formula, for the donations of essences FES made to get it started, and for making it available to the public. You are great friends of the animals! With great love I thank the flowers themselves for offering us their gentle and powerful healing energy to help the animals of the earth and the overlighting deva of flower essences for her inspiration and guidance in creating the formula.

Finally, I thank traumatized animals I've had the privilege of working with for allowing me to glimpse your profound courage to once again open your hearts to human love. You are my inspiration for the greatness of love and the infinite possibilities for healing. You, and the people of animal shelters and rescue groups everywhere who help you, are my heroes. I love you.

May all the companion animals on the earth find the lifelong love and care they deserve.

And may all the wild animals of the earth have the opportunity to live their natural lives in peace and unharmed by humans.