Pet Loss Grief Support Animals in our Hearts  Animal Communication Teresa Wagner
  • You should try to hear the name the Holy Ones have for things.
    People name everything according to the number of legs they have.
    The Holy Ones name them according to what they have inside. ~ Rumi


Sacred Swims™ with the Whales

swim with the whales

Not an expedition for the ego, but a journey for the soul™
. . .and an opportunity to give back to the whales from whom
we have taken so much

Video copyright Tom Conlin. Used with permission and gratitude.

Sacred Swims™ and Communication with Humpback Whales

Facilitated by Teresa Wagner since 1999
Silver Bank, Dominican Republic

Please contact us for dates and registration information for our 2011 & 2012 whale swim journeys

Join me for an awe-inspiring opportunity to swim in the water with the humpback whales--perhaps the world's most gentle and powerful teachers--snorkeling quietly next to mothers with newborn calves and escorts. Imagine living for a week at sea, slipping quietly into the water to swim with the whales everyday. Imagine hearing their beautiful, haunting songs as you gaze into their eyes, literally feeling the vibration of their songs move through your body. Feel the profound exchange of love and trust with humpback mothers as they allow their caves to swim and twirl next to you under water. Imagine fifty foot, fifty ton whales sitting in stillness next to you, exuding gentleness, trust, wisdom and fathomless love. Imagine speaking with the whales, soul to soul, voice to voice, body to body. Imagine your heart humbled and your soul graced by their presence.

This is a trip of unsurpassed physical proximity to whales, while in the company of fellow humans who also seek spiritual connection with the whales. This whale swim trip is not merely a trip for physical adventure and fantastic photo opportunities, though that exists. It is an opportunity for interspecies communication, interspecies exchange of love, healing and personal transformation.

~Join us for a true journey for the soul~

swim with humpback whales

Can't make a trip? Too long til the next trip to hear more about whales and their messages?
Join us for the teleclass:
Wisdom from the Whales—21 Years of Conversation

swim with whales

Sacred Swims & Communication with Humpback Whales

During this week I have experienced the beauty, gentleness, gracefulness, sensitivity and overwhelming love that these wonderful beings have exhibited. . . Thank you for an experience of a lifetime to swim with the humpback whales.
~ Andre' P. Webber, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

The feeling one gets when in the water to swim with the whales and how that permeates ones very being I think is impossible to understand unless someone has personally experienced it. The lasting effects have been more than memories, but rather a greater sense of peace, calm, awareness and love.
~Jeff Hansen, California

I have been a marine mammal lover all my life. I have been swimming and playing with dolphins in the wild in Hawaii, in the Bahamas and in Florida, and whale watching in Hawaii, and was even part of a Research Team studying Vessel Impact on Humpbacks. But this was my first experience to swim with humpbacks. It has been the most breathtaking experience I've had. The gentle giant angels of the sea welcomed us in their nursery, and accepted us in their loving daily life. It is definitely a spiritual experience that enhances our experience of the Oneness of Consciousness in Everything. It was also a plus to be part of a spiritual group that set the atmosphere with meditation and allowed sharing on an uplifting level.
~ Elise Pouliot, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The best part of the whale swim trip for me was looking into that baby's eye. What magic! And what Teresa brings to the trip with her boundless warmth, enthusiasm, love and accessibility is priceless.
~ Terry Hribal, Ohio

Location and Itinerary


A humpback mating and nursery area, Silver Bank is located about 70 miles north of the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Sea. It is a 75 square mile shallow coral reef area which derives its name from large amount of Spanish gold and silver lost in ship wrecks in the 1600's. The "bank" is not a pile of silver, however, but rather an underwater plateau of limestone. It is believed that the whales choose this area for birthing and nursing because numerous coral heads which break the surface provide protection from ocean swells.

It is estimated that between 3,000 - 5,000 humpbacks pass through Silver Banks between December and mid-April each year, making it the largest breeding and calving grounds, often called a nursery, in the world.

In 1986 the Dominican Republic declared Silver Banks a whale sanctuary. In 1996 the sanctuary boundaries were enlarged to include Samana Bay and the north and east coastline of the Dominican Republic and was renamed "Sanctuary for Marine Mammals of Dominican Republic."WhaleTrip-Cake

Because it is not a highly populated vacation spot such as Hawaii, you will not see large numbers of whale watch boats or fishing charters in the area. The vessel for this trip holds a special license issued by the Dominican Republic Whale Commission to be there. Only three vessels hold this license which allows travel and mooring in the waters of this sanctuary. These vessels must adhere to strict guidelines of non-invasive travel near the whales.
A pre-trip party cake in Big Sur!

Journey To Love With The Humpback Whales

Daily Activities and Schedule

(times are approximate)

participants getting in water

4:00 pm
  • Passengers board boat and settle into cabins
  • Safety & Vessel Orientation; Introductions: Captain and Crew
7:00 - 8:00 pm
  • Dinner
8:00 - 10:00 pm
  • Personal Introductions & Sharing Our Gifts for the Whales
    Meditation and Connection to the Whales
11:00 pm
  • Boat departs for Silver Bank at approximately 11pm
9:00 am
  • We arrive at our mooring on Silver Bank at approximately 9am
  • Breakfast available buffet style during morning hours
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Snorkeling Practice
  • Lunch & Whale Orientation from the captains
1:00 - 5:00 pm
6:45 pm
  • Amazing Grace at Sunset: our prayers of thanks to the whales
7:00 - 8:00 pm
  • Dinner and Fun Sharing of the day's experiences
8:15 - 9:45 pm
  • When the group is interested, Teresa talks with the whales we were with on this day and facilitates questions and answers back and forth from the group to the whales.
Dawn - Breakfast
  • Silent time on upper deck to provide quiet time for those who want this for private meditation, journaling, yoga or simply quiet time with yourself and the sea
7 - 7:30 am
  • Morning Group Meditation to begin the day with gratitude, peace and to send love and light to the whales (Upper Deck)
7:30 - 8:30 am
  • Breakfast
8:45 am -Noon
  • Lunch
1:30 - 5 pm
6:45 pm
  • Amazing Grace at Sunset: our prayers of thanks to the whales
7:00 - 8:00 pm
  • Dinner and Fun Sharing of the day's experiences (Dining Room)
8:00 - 9:45 pm
  • Various evenings: Whenever the group is interested, Teresa talks with the whales we were with on a given day and facilitates questions and answers back and forth from the group to the whales.
  • Various evenings: Presentation and Whale Slides by Captain
  • Thursday: Closing Sacred Circle: Gifts Received from the Whales:
    Final group meditation of gratitude & prayers for the whales
FRIDAY: Boat departs for Puerto Plata
6 - 8:00 am
  • Silent time on upper deck to provide quiet time for private meditation, journaling, yoga or simply quiet time with ourselves and the sea
8:00 am
  • Breakfast available buffet style
  • Enjoy the sea and sun on the journey back to land!
    Crew collects payments for Sanctuary Fee, Fuel Fee, Gift purchases,Gratuity
  • Lunch
1:00 pm
  • Arrival to port in Puerto Plata. Most passengers leave ship to shop, explore and have dinner in Puerto Plata. We usually plan a group dinner at a local restaurant for those who are interested in this. It's a fun way to end a glorious week!
All passengers must disembark boat by 9am: to airports, hotels, marina, etc.

Watch breathtaking video of humpback whales
and people swimming with whales!

~ Listen to the Songs of the Humpback Whale ~




Why This Trip is Different and Who Should Come


Why This Trip is Different

This trip is different from other whale watch excursions in that there is:

*Opportunity to actually spend time in the water with the whales, snorkeling softly above them, being with them in their water home as a respectful guest. Though many trips provide great opportunities to see humpbacks up close from the deck of a large boat, or seeing them even closer at sea level from a small launch, there is nothing quite like being in the water eye to eye with these giant, gentle cetaceans.


*Opportunity to share your sacred experience with a group of other spiritually oriented humans. Because this trip is designed specifically for spiritual communion with the whales, you don't have to worry about sharing the boat with wild party goers, fisherman, or those who acknowledge only the biology and behavior of animals, and may scoff at the idea of communing with the souls of animals.

*Opportunity for learning and coaching in telepathic communication with the whales. Every participant on this trip, of course, will have their own private, unique experiences of communication with the whales. But Teresa also presents informal workshops and provides individual mentoring throughout the week on telepathic communication to help people connect with the whales. She also offers a presentation on messages from the whales based on her conversations with whales since 1988.

Who should come on this trip?

The trip is designed to bring together people with deeply held values about the spiritual connection between humans and animals, people who are seeking a spiritual experience with the whales, and people who recognize and honor the oneness of all life. It is for those who prefer quiet meditative activities and meaningful conversation to loud partying, heavy drinking or superficial chatter. Though we have great fun and share lots of laughter and frivolity on these trips, it is definitely not for those looking for a wild party boat.

WhaleTrip-BT-IndoormeditationBecause telepathic communication with the whales and meditation and healing circles are a central part of the experience, people who want these experiences and are open to them will feel very much at home on this trip. People not comfortable with these activities would probably enjoy a different trip. Though the opportunities for great photos, physical adventure and learning humpback natural history definitely do exist on this trip (Teresa offers a two hour presentation on the natural history of humpback whales), they are not the primary focus.

There are many other whale encounter trips around the world where the focus is more on the biology and behavior of whales and photographic opportunities. We will be happy to refer you to these if our trip does not seem appropriate for you. Please contact us if you would like help finding the right natural history oriented trip for you, or, another spirtually oriented trip with different dates or a different facilitator. We are familiar with each of the operators in Silver Bank and with other facilitators, and are happy to assist you in selecting the best trip.

Watch breathtaking video of humpback whales
and people swimming with whales!

~ Listen to the Songs of the Humpback Whale ~

Learn about messages from the whales in the
Wisdom from the Whales Webinar

Sacred Swims & Communication with Humpback Whales