Pet Loss Grief Support Animals in our Hearts  Animal Communication Teresa Wagner
  • You should try to hear the name the Holy Ones have for things.
    People name everything according to the number of legs they have.
    The Holy Ones name them according to what they have inside. ~ Rumi

Video copyright Tom Conlin. Used with permission and gratitude.

To swim with whales, to be so very close to the whales' magnificent,
huge, beautiful bodies in the water
is such an undeniable thrill, yet at the same time,
it doesn't seem to even matter that we have bodies when we're together.
There seem to be no differences— only one spirit, only love.
There is no fear, no alarm, no ego. Only love. There is simply light and love.

swim with humpback whales

Small photos: top, copyright ©Chris Bangs; middle and bottom, copyright ©Sierra Goodman
Large collage: Upper left and lower right photos ©Sierra Goodman. Upper right and lower left photos ©Chris Bangs.
Center logo ©Teresa Wagner
Photo used with permission and loving gratitude!

Sacred Swims & Communication with Humpback Whales

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During this week I have experienced the beauty, gentleness, gracefulness, sensitivity and overwhelming love that these wonderful beings have exhibited. . . Thank you for an experience of a lifetime to swim with the humpback whales.
~ Andre' P. Webber, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

The feeling one gets when in the water to swim with the whales and how that permeates ones very being I think is impossible to understand unless someone has personally experienced it. The lasting effects have been more than memories, but rather a greater sense of peace, calm, awareness and love.
~Jeff Hansen, California

I have been a marine mammal lover all my life. I have been swimming and playing with dolphins in the wild in Hawaii, in the Bahamas and in Florida, and whale watching in Hawaii, and was even part of a Research Team studying Vessel Impact on Humpbacks. But this was my first experience to swim with humpbacks. It has been the most breathtaking experience I've had. The gentle giant angels of the sea welcomed us in their nursery, and accepted us in their loving daily life. It is definitely a spiritual experience that enhances our experience of the Oneness of Consciousness in Everything. It was also a plus to be part of a spiritual group that set the atmosphere with meditation and allowed sharing on an uplifting level.
~ Elise Pouliot, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The best part of the whale swim trip for me was looking into that baby's eye. What magic! And what Teresa brings to the trip with her boundless warmth, enthusiasm, love and accessibility is priceless.
~ Terry Hribal, Ohio