Pet Loss Grief Support Animals in our Hearts  Animal Communication Teresa Wagner
  • You should try to hear the name the Holy Ones have for things.
    People name everything according to the number of legs they have.
    The Holy Ones name them according to what they have inside. ~ Rumi

Animal Communication

Consultations with Teresa


An Interactive Conversation with Your Animal—
not a psychic reading about your animal


Animal communication image dog
Elsa, beloved dog of Catherine

Looking into the eyes of this greyhound, one cannot help but see the amazing soul within. Having an actual conversation with such a soul—the soul of any animal—using the skills of loving, respectful, empathic and telepathic inquiry, tells us so much more about their stories, their journeys, their current thoughts, feelings and needs than what is gleaned from a one way psychic/intuitive reading. The focus of my consultations is on creating interactive, mutually respectful conversations with animals and their people, versus one way "psychic readings" of an animal's energy or messages. A good psychic reading is like getting a clear, detailed picture. While such a picture can provide helpful information and clues for people about their animals, they are also, unfortunately, often filled with lots of assumptions or the readers' personal interpretations about "what the psychic picture means." Traditional psychic readings also often include direct advice or imposed solutions about what the recipient "should do."

An interactive, empathic approach on the other hand is one in which the reader not only receives messages and information as in a traditional psychic reading, but facilitates a process to help the animal and the person further understand, clarify and use the information exchanged in a meaningful and/or practical way. In this method, the values, needs, desires, and goals of both the animal and the person are respected and intentionally part of the conversation. This is--philosophically and by design--fundamentally different from a one way "psychic reading."

Animal Communication-Naya
Naya with beloved friend Elise

A psychic reading can provide valuable information. However, until the information received from the animal is part of a meaningful dialog with the animal and the person, the information is just information--which may or may not be used constructively. When we receive the results of a medical test, we don't just want the numbers or to have someone else's interpretation of the information and what we should do forced down our throat; we want help understanding it regarding our concerns (not just the practitioner's concerns) so we can make the best choices to help our animal. And we want support as we consider our options of what to do with the information, not have someone dictate what we should do. It is the same with animal communication.

Animal Communication dog and cat
Sunshine and Kona, very close friends!

Furthermore, even when detailed, accurate information is gleaned from the animal, even when open, clear communication has been facilitated, this work must always be offered with an open heart. Information alone can be misused or useless if the heart, if love, is not the foundation and purpose of communication with animals.

Professional animal communication is not about performing psychic parlor tricks. It is not about forcing behavior. Even though it can be ethically and effectively used to help negotiate behavior change, animal communication is not a tool of coercion. When done professionally, it is not about the ego of the practitioner, or showing off how much we can "prove" we know. It is about exchanging information and resolving problems for the purpose of deepened intimacy, understanding and love.

For more information about how I work, you can read A Client-Centered, Empathy Based Approach to Animal Communication and Healing.

Schedule a Consultation with Teresa

Animal communicators and the field of animal communication are referred to by many names: pet psychic, interspecies communication, telepathy with animals, pet whisperers with dogs, cats, horses, whales and other animals, etc. Whatever terms are preferred, what is important is that when we love animals and want to honor and effectively communicate with them, we must relate to them beyond biology and beyond behavior--to acknowledge and communicate with them at the level of their souls.

Resources about Animal Communication


Teresa's Introduction to Animal Communication Class


CDs, Books, DVDs, Journals


Animal Communication Guided Meditation by Teresa Wagner
Designed to be used immediately before beginning a conversation with an animal. For beginners and experienced communicators alike, it helps us become still, grounded, protected, divinely guided, open hearted, cleared of biases and preferences which can cloud the messages we receive, and ready to connect with animals in conversation. Very soft meditation music is played throughout. May the words and music inspire and guide you to connect in love and clarity with animals. Read more

1 CD $15.95 MP3 download $9.95 Add to Cart

Animal Communication by Teresa Wagner Connecting with Your Animal After Death by Teresa Wagner
When the animals we love die, the sense of emptiness from their
absence in our daily lives can be devastating. Yet, the connection between souls is not severed at death. The love we created remains active and alive. Where there is great love, communication is not only possible after death, it is natural and easy. Connecting with our animals after death doesn’t eliminate our pain but can diminish the heaviness of grief, and bring the energies of grace, comfort and peace to our hearts.
This CD describes how to prepare for a telepathic connection with a beloved animal after death and includes a guided meditation to help make that connection. Read more

1 CD $16.95 MP3 download $12.95 Add to Cart

Energetic Boundaries, Protection and Preparation for Telepathic Animal Communication by Teresa Wagner
When we do telepathic work or any healing work without being energetically prepared and protected we are vulnerable—vulnerable to being overwhelmed or depleted by other's energies. Unprepared and unprotected, we are susceptible to taking in the pain of those we talk with as our own pain. This depletes us and diminishes our ability to help.

This three CD volume of stories, concepts and specific tools--including two guided meditations—was created to help us practice "energetic hygiene"—one of the most important areas of development needed to do any healing arts work well, to do it well without becoming depleted, and without, even unwittingly, stepping on anyone's toes by violating ethical boundaries. Read more

4 hrs digital recording  MP3 download $15.95 Add to Cart


Two Truths and a Lie, Katrina Kittle

A marvelous book about animal communication. Written in novel form, the engaging story revolves around an animal communicator, the doubts about her work from her husband and grown child, and, ultimately the trust and healing which occurs among them. Portrays animal communication very realistically. Highly recommended



Adventures in Kinship With All Life, J. Allen Boone

You will greatly enjoy each of these heart warming, true stories, involving the special power of extrasensory perception in animals. They are also about a bond of trust that can exist between people and animals of all kinds. These thoughtful tales demonstrate how the author spoke silently with all forms of life and how he grew to understand their silent replies. The author believes that this silent language can be learned; reading this book helps us cultivate a gentle, reverent attitude toward all life. This book salutes the divinity within all living creatures and opens up a wonderful new world of silent communication for you to explore. One of my all time favorite animal communication books!

Animal Talk: Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Penelope Smith

The pioneer of animal communication shows readers in her first animal communication book how to use telepathy to "talk" with the animals they love. A primer for anyone exploring telepathic animal communication.


Communicating With Animals: The Spiritual Connection Between People and Nature, Arthur Myers

A unique book on animal communication in that it features the stories of several animal communicators, including Teresa Wagner.

"Animals have much to share with us, if only we would listen. Within the realm of interspecies communication lie amazing opportunities for the evolution of the human species and the growth of the human spirit. Arthur Myers has done a beautiful job compiling a touching and inspiring, funny and thought-provoking collection of wonderful stories which demonstrate psychic communication across species. Communicating with Animals is spiritually uplifting, as well as practical, and makes for fascinating reading."

Conversations With Animals: Cherished Messages and Memories As Told by an Animal Communicator, Lydia Hiby and Bonnie S. Weintraub

In this animal communication book, Lydia relates what she has learned by speaking to animals over the years, containing stories about dogs, cats, horses, exotic pets, lost pets, and pets who have died. 20 photos.


Kinship With All Life, J. Allen Boone

Amazing and touching stories from the author, first with the famous Hollywood dog Strongheart, then with many other animals from flies to snakes. This animal communication book is inspiring, delightful and will stay in your heart forever. Boone was a genuine pioneer of interspecies communication.


Martha Speaks, Susan Meddaugh

A funny, adorable animal communication book for children of all ages about Martha the dog who learns to speak English, and her family who learns to hear her. Absolutely adorable and also meaningful.

Book-Secret-Oceans The Secret Oceans, Betty Ballantine, Lloyd Birmingham (Illustrator)
This animal communication book is a visual odyssey through the vast and deep oceans of the world, with the help of 12 leading artists and a story that will entertain as well as gently inform. 150 original full-color paintings. Story involves undersea explorers who discover a dolphin-like species that warns them about the threat of pollution. Meet the crew of the Turtle, an exploratory submarine whose mission is to establish communication with whales.
0803709722 The Whale Song, Dyan Sheldon
An inspirational story of Lilly, whose grandmother tells her the story of the whales she loved as a child. How she waited by the ocean, with a special gift for the whales, and how they finally came to her, with a special gift of their own. Lilly longs to see the whales herself and to hear their mysterious songs. The whales fill her dreams. She believes they will come and they do, and she hears them call her name. This animal communication book for children of all ages includes stunning illustrations. Note: This book was the inspiration for including the ritual of gift giving to the whales during our Journey to Love with the Humpback Whales trips.


When Animals Speak: Advanced Interspecies Communication,
Penelope Smith
One of the world's foremost experts on telepathic interspecies communication, Smith catalogs in this animal communication book what she has learned in her conversations with animals—insights into life, death, healing, wholeness, spirituality, and humans.


If Only They Could Talk, The Miracles of Spring Farm
Bonnie Hones Reynolds and Dawn E. Hayman
Spring Farm CARES is an animal sanctuary dedicated to interspecies communication, co-founded by animal communicator Dawn Hayman. In this animal communication book you’ll learn about the miracles, crises, hopes and renewal of this magical place. You'll meet Ricardo the duck, who explains that he won't leave his warm nest in a nearby chimney even if the house owners disapprove...Chubby the horse, who shares her feelings of despair when her barn catches fire...Elvis the kitten, who wiggles like a rock star.. and other amazing critters.


Opening My Wings to Fly, What Animals Have Taught Me
Tara Thomas is one of the most authentic, deeply compassionate, spirtual leaders in the animal communication field. In her animal communication book, you’ll get a touching and inspirational glimpse into her soulful connection with animals everywhere, including those with whom she lives with in the animal sanctuary she has co-created with nature—Hummingbird Farms.


Language of Animals: 7 Steps to Communicating with Animals,
Carol Gurney
Filled with very practical exercises along with stories, this a book I highly recommend to learn specifics of "how-to" of animal communication.



The Psychic Connection :
Experiencing the Spiritual Link Between People and Animals ~ from The Entertainment Group
From the back cover: Featuring America's foremost experts in animal communication—Penelope Smith, Beatrice Lydecker, Anita Curtis, Carol Gurney, Teresa Wagner and Lydia Hiby—investigate the remarkable phenomena of human-animal telepathy in this revolutionary and controversial new video. Through real-life case studies, you will meet a horse who has written several books, a dog who speaks to his master, a cat who tells the doctor what hurts him, a 700 pig who misses her owner. Plus, you'll go to sea to speak with dolphins. Both the skeptic and the animal lover in you will find this cutting edge program fascinating.



Species Link: The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication

Read true stories of the amazing results of communicating with animals plus prose and poetry transcribed directly from our non-human friends. You'll find methods to learn interspecies communication, books and resources, the latest issues and breakthroughs, questions answered by seasoned communicators, a directory of animal communicators for services and support, plus readers' stories, poems, art, book reviews, and letters. Species Link is a forum and network to share experiences, helpful hints, insights, humor, growth along the path, the joy of deep understanding and heightened awareness with all beings. Join the growing community of beginning to advanced animal communicators by subscribing to the only magazine completely dedicated to the subject. See sample articles and subscribe at specieslinkjournalcom. Editor: Penelope Smith, author of Animal Talk and When Animals Speak. Published quarterly since 1990.

Resources about Animal Communication

Missing Animals

If your animal is lost, we wish you a quick and successful reunion, and to be surrounded by all the sources of practical and emotional support you need. In addition to the animal communicators and missing animal recovery groups listed below, remember to check regularly with shelters and to post flyers. To help you cope during this difficult time, you may want to take the flower essence Five Flower Formula. If you would welcome prayer support and healing energies for your situation, visit our listings of Internet prayer request groups. And to participate in a caring support group for those whose pets are missing or stolen, visit

Animal Communicators Who Handle Missing Animal Cases

Attempting to physically locate a lost animal through telepathy is some of the most challenging and difficult work animal communicators do. When animals are "lost", they are often frightened and disoriented, making it difficult for them to provide us with accurate physical information regarding their whereabouts. In addition, an animal's perspective of the physical world is very different from a human's viewpoint. Animals might describe where they are as "near a bunch of cars", versus "on 17th Street near Vine" as we would describe it through our human filter of the physical world. However, many times the "clues" they may describe of their physical surroundings can be exactly what is needed to find them. It can also be very comforting to just make contact with the animal, to hold a conversation.

If your animal is lost, you may be extremely upset and may reach out to every resource available to help you. You should expect a professional animal communicator to treat you with deep respect and lovingkindness during this time of crisis. In kind, please remember to respect them by honoring their boundaries of working hours and the fees you agree to pay for your use of their time and energy. Though some communicators do provide pro bono services for certain situations, most make their living with the work they do, and cannot afford, energetically or financially, to be available 24 hours a day or to work at no charge, much as they may be committed and dedicated to help you. Just as you are expected to pay your veterinarian, even when you don't like the news you receive or when you receive after hours emergency help, please be prepared to pay your animal communicator for his or her services in helping you with your missing animal. Thank you!

The following recommended communicators work specifically with lost animal situations and have been successful in helping to find many animals:

  • Tim Link, Cumming, GA  404-422-6355 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Diana del Monte, Los Angeles, CA 323-375-8015  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Annette Betcher, Washington 360-871-4774 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Suzi Dalling, Ventura, CA 805-512-1720 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Morgine Jurdan, WA 360-686-9886 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Karla McCoy, Washington, Illinois 805-444-1514 or

Groups That Help Find Missing Animals