Pet Loss Grief Support Animals in our Hearts  Animal Communication Teresa Wagner
  • My family is not confined to mother, mate, and child; but it includes all creatures be they tame or wild; my family upon this earth includes all living things, on land, or in the ocean deep, or borne aloft on wings.~ Alicia S. Carpenter

Animal Communication & Healing

Sales price: $199.00
Price: $199.00

Helping animals and humans who have experienced trauma requires a special sensitivity to their unique needs, an understanding of how trauma effects us, and an ability to remain highly empathic and fully present no matter how intense the clients’ pain or disturbing their stories to our heart. The class provides a solid psychological understanding of trauma, traumatic bereavement, post-traumatic stress, reactions and symptoms, examination of how our own trauma experiences impact our effectiveness in helping others and psychological and energetic tools to effectively support others. Approximately 7 1/2 hours of class time/audio and more than 80 pages of handouts. 

Facilitated by Teresa Wagner

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Sales price: $12.95
Price: $12.95

Animal Communication Guided Meditation helps us prepare for and begin a telepathic conversation with an animal. For beginners and experienced communicators alike, it is designed to help us become still, grounded, cleared of biases and preferences (which can cloud the messages we receive), protected, divinely guided, open hearted, and ready to communicate with animals in conversation.

Created by Teresa Wagner.

Available in MP3 digital download format only.

(12 minute guided meditation followed by 48 additional minutes of soft meditation music)

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Sales price: $14.95
Price: $14.95

Communicating with the spirit of our animals in the afterlife is not only possible, it is natural and easy. This CD explores how to prepare oneself for connecting telepathically with a beloved animal after death and includes a guided meditation to help make that connection.

When we connect in Love, when we ask and listen and speak with Love, it is impossible for our animal to not receive our messages. No matter how much emotional pain there may be of grief, when we connect with the soul of our animal, the heaviness of grief in us is diminished, even if only for moments. The healing of those moments stays within us, and power of grief to devastate us is lessened. And we are more free to support our animals and ourselves as we grieve.

Available in MP3 digital download format only.

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Sales price: $14.95
Price: $14.95

Feeling love for animals is easy. But feeling pain when they suffer can be overwhelming. Compassion can hurt. When we love animals deeply, when we are sensitive to the pain of others, seeing or learning about the suffering of animals can be debilitating.

This CD walks us through practical steps that take us to a greater position of strength and empowerment so we can effectively offer the love and or the skills we have to help the animals. These practical ideas and steps help us help the animals and ourselves, with calmness and love. Even when we’re overwhelmed or deeply distressed. Includes a guided meditation to heal feelings of overwhelm and helplessness to help us offer our love and skills to powerfully help animals in crisis situations.

Available in MP3 digital download format only.

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Sales price: $19.95
Price: $19.95

Conversations with whales allow us to know them as individual, unique, whole beings. Learn what whales say about their experiences of love, mothering, escorting, singing, mating, migrating, being entangled in fishing gear, being rescued, about whalers and being hunted, being held in captivity, their experiences of joy, trauma, forgiveness and life after death, what it's like when humans intentionally visit them in the ocean, and to serve as spiritual guides and healers. 2 1/2 hours of digital audio recording and a 163 page handout package of text and whale images.

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Energetic Boundaries
Sales price: $15.95
Price: $15.95

In this audio program, issues of ethics, our motivation to help others, energetic boundaries to protect our clients from our potential projection or filtering, energetic boundaries to protect ourselves from potential overwhelm and compassion fatigue are discussed in detail--including real life stories and cases, and specific resources and strategies to help us comfortably use and maintain these boundaries. Includes two guided meditations.

Appropriate for all healing arts practitioners and grief support practitioners, especially those who work with animals and their people.

Created by Teresa Wagner, drawn from her experiences as a grief counselor and animal communicator since 1986.

(4 hours digital recording; Available in MP3 format only)

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Sales price: $299.00
Price: $299.00

This class provides an in depth opportunity to examine and assess how both ethics and boundaries in our work provide clients with a sense of safety, trust and optimum opportunities for healing and growth, and for practitioners to have the energetic readiness to offer knowledge and skills with clarity, without bias and with greater ability to be fully present with the stories, pain and trauma of clients with reduced risk for compassion fatigue Includes 12 hours of digital audio recordings and 119 pages of handouts.

  • For a COMPLETE DESCRIPTION of teleclass click here.
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Sales price: $24.95
Price: $24.95

This class is ideal for anyone who wants to begin or build their understanding of how telepathic animal communication works. It provides a solid foundation for what is vitally important for receiving clear, accurate information in conversations with animals, along with practice exercises. The content covers important concepts for effective and ethical animal communication, client stories, and practical techniques you can use immediately. It can also serve as a refresher, offering new viewpoints to what one may have already studied and learned. 2 1/2 hours of digital audio recording, 83 handout pages plus bonus 2 1/2 hours of Guided Meditation to Communicate with Animals, and Energetic Boundaries, Protection and Ethics for Animal Communication.

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