Contact Us

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.The e-mail address is best used for questions you may have about services, events or products, for which you cannot find obvious answers on the web site.
Consultations: To learn about my consultations, visit this page.
To schedule a consultation visit this page. Please note that consultations are not arranged or scheduled by telephone or email, only via the web site.
Please Note: I am not able to provide consultations, counseling, or advice by e-mail or on social media. All sessions are held by phone (or Skype, Zoom, etc.) and are pre-scheduled.
Because I am working full time providing private consultations, designing workshops and writing, I am not able to personally respond to the hundreds of emails received each day. My assistant does keep me abreast of the email messages, and I am deeply touched by and appreciate your stories, your support and your feedback. Though I may not be personally tapping my keyboard sending you words in response, I do you send blessings of love and gratitude.