Pet Loss Grief Support Animals in our Hearts  Animal Communication Teresa Wagner
  • My family is not confined to mother, mate, and child; but it includes all creatures be they tame or wild; my family upon this earth includes all living things, on land, or in the ocean deep, or borne aloft on wings.~ Alicia S. Carpenter

When Compassion Hurts - How to Help Animals in Need without Falling Apart or Burning Out

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When Compassion Hurts - How to Help Animals in Need Without Falling Apart or Burning Out

This item is also available in MP3 format

Feeling love for animals is easy. But feeling pain when they suffer can be overwhelming. Compassion can hurt. When we love animals deeply, when we are sensitive to the pain of others, seeing or learning about the suffering of animals can be debilitating.

All of us have probably had some of those "hit us in the gut" moments when we open an email and read a story about wolves being shot from airplanes, whales slaughtered by the Japanese, or see pictures about some horrid animal abuse story or animals suffering in a natural disaster. Or when we’re driving and see a beautiful animal, dead, by the side of the road. Or when we are ready to add a new animal to our family and while we're at the local shelter looking, we feel overwhelmed seeing how very many animals have been abandoned and wish we could adopt them all.

Whatever our roles to help them--such as humane officers investigating animal cruelty cases, shelter workers listening to the umpteen and inane reasons people surrender their animals, or the people who do the grass roots work of rescue, fostering, advocating and activism, and animal communicators and healing practitioners who directly feel the deep pain in animals’ hearts and hear the details of their stories of trauma--.any of us who love animals deeply and are exposed to their pain can feel haunted and depleted by it.

How can we effectively help animals during those moments when we hear about or see their suffering and we feel completely helpless or devastated? What do we do? How do we get back to center enough to help the animals in some way rather than become paralyzed in our own pain?

Some of the main keys to this, a lesson I learned from the whales at a time when I was deeply struggling with this issue, are about the order in which we tend to those involved, and completeness with which we energetically offer our love to those involved, including those whom we believe may have caused or be responsible for the harm. And, to always, always practice energetic protection.

This CD walks us through practical steps that take us to a greater position of strength and empowerment so we can effectively offer the love and or the skills we have to help the animals. These practical ideas and steps help you help the animals and yourself, with calmness and love. Even when you’re overwhelmed or deeply distressed.

This process has allowed me to better serve the animals I love so much, and as brought my own pain about animals’ suffering to move to a place of peace much sooner. I hope it will serve you too.

Track 1: An exploration and discussion of the issues

Track 2: A guided, healing meditation to help you offer your love and skills to powerfully help animals in crisis situations.

To listen to a sample of Teresa's voice, visit the home page and click on her welcome message next to her photo.

"When we are able to conquer our need for relief from our own discomfort from witnessing another’s painful condition, we can then offer Love. Nothing better promotes true healing than an atmosphere of this very high level of love.” ~ Robin Norwood, Why Me, Why This, Why Now

1 CD boxed in traditional jewel case for transit protection and your display convenience (paper and cardboard slip cases do not provide much protection and can be hard to find in stacks of cds), or in MP3 format

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